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Long ago humans had lead into war destroying each other and the world with it till it was nothing but a wasteland

All that was left was one remaining bunker with a surviving human civilization but due to the harsh environments made things very difficult

That all changed once they came, 8 powerful elemental dragons who came to this world to help it heal, welding fire, water, earth, ice, lightning, wind, nature and metal they slowly helped humans, and protected them as their guardians, the humans and dragons lived side by side as the dragons told them story's of their realm and their own cultures hoping to pass on their knowledge for this new generation of humanity

But the radiation began taking its affect on the humans, making their chances of survival at an all time low, the dragons who had no affect to the radiation thought of one solution to heal the land and the humans, but at a cost

All 8 dragons came together using the full might of their power together straight from their hearts, their power spread to the humans changing them, gaining wings and tails as well as other unique features, this blight had also helped heal a majority of the land to make it more habitable for life to regrow, but the cost was heavy, using so much power destroyed humanities guardians, but they made sure to never forget the sacrifice they made for them, in their first order they renamed themselves as the Draconians, a new species and the birth of a new generation, the Draconians were also gifted elemental abilities from their fallen guardians as a final gift for them, from that day they refered it as naming it the day of the dragons, a beautiful holiday to show respect to each other and the dragons

Centuries later the draconians still live peaceful lives many towns but 9 major capitals, 8 of them ruled by each elemental royal family and the ninth is a city of unity, where all 8 royal family members come together as a council

But our story does not end there, some say the dragons true power still survived, and one day 8 young draconians will have the gifts of the full power of the dragons themselves

This is their storys


This story is still a work in progress but I really have been wanting to make this for a long while now, firstly I'll talk about our main cast

Ash is a young fire Draconian about to start junior year of highschool, when she hatched she was born with extra patches of scales throughout her body including a noticeable spot surrounding her left eye, growing up she was heavily teased for her appearance and she was self conscious about it, but her two dads giving her support and inspiring her with the power of fire made her strive to become a master with it, it took her a long time to molt and unlock her element but once she had done so she immediately was seen to be pretty powerful at her young age, some even giving her the nickname wild fire, after that she became an absolute bad ass and a bit of a trouble maker along side her best friends thunder and willow

Willow and Quake:
Quake and willow are both siblings who grew up on their parents farmland together, Quake is the oldest who is an Earth draconian while his little sister who is 2 years younger named Willow has the nature element, Willow is an absolute sweetheart who loves helping her family out as well as her friends and neighbors, while her brother on the other hand is very protective over her, when Quake unlocked his element his parents realized how incredibly strong he was even for a child compared to other earth users, while Willow had been seen talking to animals as if she understands them and they understand her as well, as stubborn as her brother can be she looks up to him alot and knows he can be a softie at times

Thunder is a young draconian of lightning, he lives with his parents who work in a mechanic shop and growing up and he had picked up many things with tech and vehicles, even if he is a bit of a goof he still is a good friend and pretty smart himself, as a child when he unlocked his element his parents saw how he was unique due to his speed, no other draconian of the lightning element can ever become fast

Shard was hatched in a rich family of the ice kingdom, he lived a pretty privileged life, he does enjoy expensive clothing and items, he is a bit of an asswhole at times, but is at least close friends with Gust and River, one of his unique gifts when he molted and unlocked ice powers he also has a massive resistance to cold weather even going extremely low temperatures while other ice draconians have limits

Gust is a close friend to shard due to their family backgrounds, Gust is a massive book lover but has a passion for flying in high altitudes due to how free it makes him feel, he is about to be in senior year of highschool and plans on wanting to go to college once he is done, his father runs the best library of all the kingdoms which started his love for books, one of his special gifts is his control over the air around him making it strong enough to levitate easily, he also has strong lungs and can fly in higher altitudes than most draconians

River is the princess of the water tribe and the eldest daughter meaning she has a lot of responsibilities as a princess compared to her little sister lapis, but without her family knowing she has a secret life, she hates spending all her time as a princess so she made a secret life of being a famous singer known as Riptide, she has a love for music and wants to continue her career but fears of what happens if her parents find out, her abilities allow her to control and breath underwater like any other draconian but her special abilities included being able to go into very deep oceans, bioluminescent scales, and control over anything with water in it including mist

Silver is a metal draconian who is the daughter of the metal kingdoms royal guard general, her whole life she had been trained how to fight and has a strong passion for it, she is an absolute skilled bad ass and one day plans to join alongside her father in the royal guard, unlike most metal draconians who can make a metal skin coating for defects plus sharp wings, tails and claws she has other abilities her most used one being making weapons and tools off her body like blades and shields

These 8 draconians do not know their true nature or what lie ahead of them in the future but they will come together for amazing adventures

(Other extra facts)

#1. draconians lay eggs that includes males as well

#2. Draconians can't mix elements, they only can use one

#3. When draconians hatch they have pale scales showing how they don't yet have an element till they molt when they hit puberty and unlock an element that fits them

#4. Even after humanity civilization collapsed the draconians still used some modern technology except they refuse making any guns, explosives or any war weapons at all and strictly use old melee weapons or bow and arrows and crossbows but mostly used there elements as ranged attacks

#5. Draconian schools have less types of class periods but also teach more useful stuff as well as things about their elements

#6. The day of the dragons is a holiday celebrated similar to how humans use to celebrate Christmas which is around the end of December as well

#7. Molting can start when a draconian hits puberty which causes them to shed their scales

(So far that's all I'll leave here for now I hope you all have fun reading into this story)

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