chapter 7 the truth

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(The truth)

*We open right where we left off last time with our main group after being called “Dragonborn”*

Willow: I'm sorry, what exactly did you call us?

Sage ignitus: forgive us but we had to bring you here, you children are more special than you think you believe

Shard: well I'm always told in special by everyone~

Ash: shut up snowball

Shard: who you calling snowball scale face!

Ash: oh you did not *growls*

Sage Nimbus: *bonks them both with my staff* enough for both of you!

Sage mercury: we saw how that fight between you 8 went

Sage cloud: not only immature but an embarrassing use of your power

Ash: *rubs my head after I got bonked* hey they started it

Silver: no that fight was between me and farm boy and you 3 idiots interrupted the match embarrassing me in front of the kingdom's

Thunder: don't be a drama queen

Silver: don't make me cut you

Sage granite: *I roll my eyes and slams my staff on the floor causing the ground beneath them to shake*

Gust: woah!

River: *falls out of my bed* hey!

Ash: pfft

Sage granite: you 8 show some respect, we are the sages, guardians of the 8 kingdoms!

Gust: *my eyes widen as I bowed* my apologies sages

Shard: what are you doing?

Gust: *whispers* Do you know what they can even do don't piss them off, besides I always wanted to meet a sage and I got to see 8 of them! This is way better than the books

Quake: you called us dragon born? What the hell does that mean?

Sage ignitus: come with us and we will show you

Ash: …

Willow: looks like we don't have much of a choice here guys..

Gust: nope *gets out of bed*

Quake: *shrugs and gets up*

Silver: *pushes myself past him*

Quake: *growls slightly*

*They began following the sages through the hallway which seems to have some type of dragon cravings on the walls*

Shard: where are we?

Sage Frost: my dear shard you are in the final resting place of the 8 dragons, and the new birthplace of our species

Gust: Wait, this is the temple of unity!?

Quake: what?

Gust: this is where the dragons lived when they came to our realm! The same place they died as well risking themselves for our ancestors seriously you need to read more often

Quake: whatever

Sage cloud: this is where the sage order resides as well, ever since our master the founder of our order brought the sages together he had them keep the peace and protect the kingdoms

River: And who is this master?

Sage granite: you will meet him in time, but you are not yet ready

Thunder: ready for what quit being cryptic!

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