chapter 8 training

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*It had been a day sense the event at the market, the news of demons attacking has left the kingdoms feeling uneasy, the royal families of each kingdom had decided to make a council meeting to discuss recent events*

King Ironclaw: do we have any information on what those creatures are?

Queen burn: no they left before more guards could be sent

Queen Gaia: from the footage that was given to us and what was discribed these creatures are far from mindless and weild some type of dark magic

King Obsidian: they seemed to be lead by a larger creature with orange markings, that young boy Quake from the tournament was seen fighting that one on his own but went missing after they disappeared

King firestorm: yet we have no information on where they have went?

Queen orca: I'm afraid not-

*Soon the door opens and Ignitus walks inside along with evergreen*

King firestorm: sage ignitus?

Sage ignitus: greetings your majestys, sorry for our late intrusion we ran into an issue

King obsidian: the kingdoms are freaking out about those creatures attacking!

Sage ignitus: we know

Queen arctic: and what do you plan on doing about it?

Sage Evergreen: we have a plan

Queen burn: a plan? Seriously? Do you even know what these things are

Sage ignitus: we do.. these demons are known as Oni

King Ironclaw: Oni?

Sage ignitus: they are a race of demonic creatures who destroy life and conquer realms

King firestorm: how do you know this?

Sage ignitus: our order has kept forgotten history from the dragons, you see before our ancestors met the dragons the Oni had came before trying to claim this realm while it was still a wasteland, if it wasn't for the dragons this world would be under their rule 

*The royals all looked at each other in shock of this unexpected news*

Queen ocra: how do we stop them?

Sage Evergreen: we do not know, the only way the dragons could stop them us uniting their power by turning the army to stone and hiding them within a hidden tomb

King obsidian: does it look like we have any dragons here to help us now? 

King Ironclaw: I will have my armies prepared to hunt them down

Queen arctic: you can't be stupid enough to want to march into a war with an enemy you have no knowledge of

King Ironclaw: my soldiers are the best in the kingdoms, these monsters won't know what hit them

Sage ignitus: I advise against that, it's best for now your armies defend the cities while we come with a plan

King firestorm: with all due respect as powerful as the sage order can be their are only 8 of you and you aren't strong enough yourselves

Sage ignitus: but we have an idea on who can help us to our advantage

Queen orca: huh?

Sage Evergreen: there is many secrets the kingdoms do not know about, but we have reasons to believe that 8 young draconians possess the powers of the dragons themselves-

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