Roxanne: I already told you I-

Map Bot: take a map.

Roxanne: no!

Map Bot: take a map.

Roxanne: no!

Map Bot: take a map.

Roxanne: no!

Map Bot: take a map.

Roxanne: ... *takes the map* fine!

Map Bot: thank you. Please enjoy.

The Map Bot rolled away leaving Roxanne frustrated.

Roxanne: those things are so annoying! Why did this company make those things?!

She was about to go somewhere but another of those Map Bot blocked her way.

Map Bot: hi, please take this-

Roxanne punch the Map Bot head off, not wanting to deal with it again. She started heading her way to the repair room, during that she was encountered by some fans who wanted a autographs or a selfie with her.

But no matter how much she was getting love she can't get that dream off her head, she was no on the upper floor level she stopped and looked down at all the humans having fun

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But no matter how much she was getting love she can't get that dream off her head, she was no on the upper floor level she stopped and looked down at all the humans having fun. But she was looking at particular humans, a mother and daughter having quality time together. Roxanne may be narcissistic who suffered from self-esteem issues, but deep down she was kind and caring who wanted to be a mother, having one or two children who will love them like a mother. But there is only one problem.

Roxanne: who would want to have a robot as a mother?

She let out a sad sigh and continued making her way to the repair room, but all of a sudden she heard a noise in the corner. Out came the S.T.A.F.F Bot, but this one is different, covered in a familiar glitching substance and on the face it makes a smile.

Roxanne: what the-

The S.T.A.F.F Bot let out a glitching rour and rolled towards Roxanne, the wolf animatronic quickly moved out the way and the S.T.A.F.F Bot fall of the second floor. Many of the customers saw the S.T.A.F.F Bot but it got up and started infecting the humans, making they're eyes blank and having a creepy smile. Everyone was panicking and running, Roxanne couldn't believe what was happening, she had to warn her friends. She quickly took the elevator near her and got inside, she press the button and it took her to Fazer Blast where she remembered hearing Freddy saying he'll be there all day. Once she arrived she looked around for Freddy.

Roxanne: Freddy! Freddy?! Freddy where are you?!

Freddy: AAAHHHH!!!

Roxanne: *gasp* Freddy!

She followed Freddy screaming and arrived at the center of Fazer Blast, but she was to late because a bunch of Alien Bot covered in glitchy substance was tearing Freddy to pieces.

Roxanne: Freddy!

All the Alien Bit turned around and prepare to do the same thing to her. She quickly ran while using her x-ray vision to avoid the Alien Bot popping out of the corner, she arrived at the elevator only to find it covered in the black goo stuff.

Alien Bot: ww-WË ÇÖ-őmĖ Iñ p-pe-ëÏÉĆe.

She quickly looked around for anything to defend herself till she spotted two Fazer Blaster in a box that's labeled no good. She took two out and pointed at the Alien Bot, but realized something.

Roxanne: what am I doing?! These things can't shoot actual Lazer-

She accidentally pulled the trigger and fired a Lazer that cut through the Alien Bot's head, killing it.

Roxanne: huh... I guess these does apparently.

The Alien Bot rolled towards her but Roxanne shot them down while running. But soon she was trapped in the corner and was surrounded.

Alien Bot: ř-r-Ë§ïśŤ-Ā-ĂñçĖ Ī§ fůŤïļ.

They were about to infect Roxanne but a Vortex opened up behind her and she fell in. After getting out of it she was outside in some sort of city, she walked around the place and nobody seems to be bothered by an animatronic walking amongst them. Probably because there's a person with a bomb for a head, two odd looking soldiers, and a literal ghost that's smoking. She just couldn't believe this I what the outside world looks like, consider the fact she and the others never been outside before. But then the same dark glitching substance arrived and effect everyone, she was shooting them down until an ambulance vehicle arrived and opened up to revealed a blue hair kid.

Keith: get in! Hurry!

Flashback Over

Roxanne: and here I am.

Keith: ... wait so you're one of those kiddie animatronics and you're alive? Like you a heart?

Roxanne: yep. I'm one of a kind and the best.

Ratchet: and did you say you fell in a portol?

Roxanne: uh-huh. Why?

Ratchet: because the same thing happened to-

But he didn't finished his sentence when he pulled the brakes because in front of them are hordes of smiling zombies.

Keith: drive Ratchet! Drive!

Roxanne: get us out of here!

But before Ratchet could do that a portol opened up underneath them and we're sucked in. After they got out they were falling from thr air.

Ratchet: brace for impact!

They all brace themselves for a hard landing and once they did they all groun in slightly pain.

Ratchet: everyone okay?

Keith: I think so.

Roxanne: I'm okay, I'm not damage or anything.

Ratchet: good, now get out. I need to stretch.

They have no idea what he means but comply, once they got out Ratchet transformed into robot mode and stretch. Keith was amazed by witnessing a vehicle transformed into a robot, while Roxanne scoffed because she's not impressed. After that they decided to go on foot to find civilization, after wondering through the woods they encountered familiar groups who they recognized and seen before.

Keith: holy sh*t!

Roxanne: it's... it's them!

Ratchet: the ones from our dream.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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