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My fist tightened on my dress, I bit my lips to control my tears but it's hurting like hell and I need to cry , I ran away.
I was running
Everything is clear now

The day we fall on ground and I saw Sasha for the first time ,Taehyung blushed cause he loves her . He denied Sora cause he loves Sasha , I wasn't his love , I wasn't his anything ,I wasn't his-
I was pulled from behind on the corridor.

"Why you ran away?? " Taehyung's concern reflect through his voice.
I couldn't look at him in the eyes , I was blinded by my love that I couldn't notice who he love !!

"I -" my words stuck in my throat again I don't know what to say , my heart is clenching. 

"You're crying?? I'm sorry I didn't informed you about Sasha-" Taehyung tried to apologise seeing my tears , I didn't realised when my emotions came out in the form of tears .

"I thought you loved me " I subconsciously uttered and His all actions paused,  we stood in silence. He gulp and took a deep breath.

"You loved me ??" He asked. I was still only staring , I don't have any control over my words or my body,

"Wasn't it obvious?" I mumbled.
Taehyung sigh and looked guilty

"See Y/n , I'm sorry but I never-" I cut his words as my weak heart won't be able to bear the end of the sentence.

I gesture my hand to make him stop

"No , no need to apologise,  it's my fault that I thought you're generous behaviour is love " I replied biting my lips stopping myself to shed more tears

"I wasn't being only generous Y/n , I really enjoyed spending time with you , helping you , guiding you , I did everything with my will " Taehyung replied

"And I was a fool to think that was love" I mumbled and my tears flow down through my cheeks again.

"Don't cry ,like this Y/n ,I'm extremely sorry !!I-" I cut his words again. 

"What I was to you ?? A friend then ??" I asked my voice is quite low , my all energy drained.  I can't explain how much it's hurting me

"No , you are a more then friend to me" Taehyung uttered.
"And less then a lover " I mumbled underneath With a sad smile
Taehyung looked a lot guilty,  I composed myself  , I don't want my love to be burden to him. 
I never wanted him to feel guilty.  No right ,love is seeing you loved one happy no matter if it's not you with whom they're happy.  I consol myself. I need to get a grip or else I'll end up hurting three of us ,at least two of us needs to get a happy ending.

"GO " I uttered
"Huh ??" Taehyung looked puzzled

"GO,  go back to your love , you ran after me hanging her there , she'll think I'm more important and will dump you " I uttered trying hard to let out a chuckle

"You're do important to me " Taehyung replied. I sadly smile

"I understand,  now go back to her , I don't want my love to be a burden on you , I'm letting you go , now go , go back to her " I uttered with a smile on my face while pushing him back

"But you -" Taehyung tried to utter

"I'll be fine , just like I was before you , Don't worry,  just be  happy, now go " I finished my words, still looking at me Taehyung slowly moved towards the room , Jennie came running behind us as well and witnessed everything as soon as Taehyung went out of sight she came near me

"I'm so sorry Y/n , I should have at least informed you , actually Sasha was Taehyung's crush since class 9 ,you encountered her right,  she's pretty as well as soft mannered , I knew the closeness between you two might effect you but you never showed anything so I never felt that you love him , it's my fault as well " Jennie uttered placing a hand to my shoulder. I nod

And soon Jennie returned

I cried out loud and shed the tears I was holding till now . After a while I saw a figure coming towards me , Sora

I got up and wipe off my tears . There's a smirk on her face .

"You're crying Y/n ?? I thought you'd beg to him to love you ??" Sora mocked

"You knew it from previous?? Don't you ??" I asked

"Ofc , Jennie told me after I got rejected" Sora replied with a grin

"Then why ?? Why ?? You increased the thought of him loving me inside my mind " I growled grabbing Her collar

"Don't blame me ,love made me crazy " Sora mocked again.

"I wanted you to feel the same pain I had to bear !! The same rejection,  I wanted to see how you're gonna react as ,you used to be his first priority!!" Sora mocked yanking my hand .
I paused

"And don't blame me , you loved him from previous!! I just raise the chances inside you that you'll be loved by him" Sora replied,  she's right I loves him I do even after being rejected I still do , I just can't have the hatred,  i sat down shedding tears

"But I never did anything wrong to you why you wanted to see me cry ??" I asked

"Cause I was jealous of you as well,  who are you to get all his attention?? You're not his lover, then why everything of his moves around you only ?? I wanted to be the you in his life " Sora uttered gritting her teeth.

I sadly smile . She wanted to be me !! And I who I wanted to be Sasha ??

"Now that you're also rejected!! Let's kick Sasha out of his life !! We can do it since we two are on the same boat " Sora provoke. 

But I composed myself,  kick Sasha out ?? I don't want to be the Villainess of their story , if he loves her I'll simply just move away from their track .

I got up , Sora looked excited I slapped her hard .

"We were never on the same boat , I love him , he's not a trophy I want to win , he's someone I love and I'll never do anything shitty to get him " I growled and moved away from her , I didn't waited a little and returned to my home .
My mom and dad were surprised to see me returning early and even more surprised when I locked myself in my room ,
I cried the whole night,  my tears are not stopping a little bit .
And not knowing when but I had fallen asleep.

Next Day        

Dad's constant calling woke me .
I found my eyes are red , dried tears stained my cheeks .

"What happened to you sweetie?? " Dad asked seeing my condition.

I took a deep breath,  I've decided this yesterday.  I explained my idea to him and told my reasons behind it .

"Though you're hurt ,still you made a good choice my princess, I appreciate your choice  , I'll surely ask for that " Dad replied and left my room ,Mom also hugged Me and kissed my forhead.

I returned to my bed and opened my phone.

( 8 new messages )

I opened the chat .

Taehyung 💖  

Where are you ?? (17: 47)

Did you left??(17: 58)

Are you angry on me ? (18: 24)

Are you alright?? (20: 38)

Are you mad at me ?(21: 03)

Please response (21: 15)

I'm guilty, please it's may be my
Fault , I'm sorry for hiding it (21:46)

Please Don't be sad , (22:07)

I sigh ,he's guilty even there's nothing to be guilty , I thought he'll cut off me from his life after getting a girl friend just like others do in movies. But it seems like

"I'm being a   burden to him"


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