||Chapter -5 ||

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"It would be great if we do a group study??" Sora proposed when we were drawing lines on a big sheet

"For this assignment??" Jimin asked

Sora nod

"I can't today, I have a invitation tonight" Jennie replied refusing the idea

"We can do this tomorrow  ,tomorrow is Saturday as well " Taehyung proposed

"Excellent!" Sora exclaimed. While me , Jimin and Jennie looked at each other not knowing the reason behind her excitement.

"I don't think I'll be able to do tomorrow,  no worries, I'll catch up later another day " I replied recalling tomorrow's date .

Taehyung noticed my expression.

"Let's do it on Monday, we have time though " Taehyung uttered.

I looked at him
"I have no problem,  "
"Me too "
Jennie and Jimin respond but Sora remained quite.

"It's ok if Y/n joins us other day , why can't we meet tomorrow??" Sora asked Taehyung.

"I'll be busy tomorrow " Taehyung replied without any explanation.

And that's it decided.

Finishing the periods it's time to return home .

"Y/n ?? " Taehyung asked before we head outside.

"I'm going to the bookstore,  can you join me ??" He asked I nod .

"Can I too ??" Sora interrupt

Taehyung held my wrist.
"Next time " Finishing that he pulled me and started running. I couldn't help but to laugh.

We entered a book store together.

"Which one you want ??" I asked examining the place

"Is there anything worse in  tomorrow??" Taehyung questioned making me wide my eyes .
But then I nod silently

We sat on a bench

"You're holding that grief! It won't help you in any way " Taehyung uttered his words are not casual yet comforting.

"Would you like to share ??" Taehyung asked. I remain silent for a moment and he didn't utter anything.

I let out a sigh

"Actually tomorrow is my biological mother's death anniversary " I uttered in a low voice. 

"I was 8 back then and it was my birthday,  mom was returning with a cake and had an accident " I uttered while shedding silent tears . Taehyung placed his hand on my head .

"So tomorrow's your birthday as well ?" Taehyung asked and I nod .

"My step mom is good and takes very good care of me ,but I misses my mom , and it was my fault that she died , so i lock myself in a room on that day " I replied shedding continues tears   . I never told this to anyone before ,my step mom and dad remains sad when I locked myself for a entire day and cries .
I misses my mom a lot .

Taehyung caressed my cheeks and wipe off the tears .

"Your mom loved you Y/n . She'll feel more sad if you cry like this ! And you were never at a fault , it was an accident,  and if you stuck with this then it will sadden her soul more ,she tried to make you happy on your birthday but you spent it with sorrow,  means you're neglecting her efforts " Taehyung uttered in a low voice making me stare at him .

"If you love someone their tears bothers us a lot , wipe it off , I bet your mom also wants you to see you being happy and living a wonderful life " Taehyung uttered with a sad smile .

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