"I didn't do such a thing,"

"Don't lie, sweetie, this office catches gossip like fire. The whole parking lot scenario made quite a stir you know, poor Hannah became quite the talk of the town. That reminds me, what's this sexual tension between you two? Just fuck it off and be done with it, family friends!" she teased.

I didn't know all this had happened. But why didn't she tell me?

Really, you're still asking this question.

"Are you hearing yourself, Margaret? Think for once before speaking."

"Can't do," she shrugged, "Pregnancy hormones," she caressed her belly and gave me a cheeky smile.

I closed my eyes for a few seconds trying to practice patience before I strangled a pregnant woman and went to jail for it.

"Just fire her, okay? That's an order," as if pulling rank on her will do something.

"I will do no such thing."

"You had no right to hire her in the first place."

"Of course, I had, I'm the head of the design department, and I get to hire whoever is good for the company. And she's good," She said with a serious tone this time.

"Not when I've specifically told you not to,"

"And I specifically told you that I won't be unfair," she reciprocated my glare, "Now, please, end this conversation, I'm already tired because of having one baby in my belly," she pointed at her belly, "I don't need another on my back," she pointed at me.

"You know I can fire you for disobeying my orders, right?"

"You can, but I know you won't," she stood up, "And even if you do, which I doubt, I'll go home with a clear conscience that it was for the right reason."

"You have created such a big problem for me, you have no idea," I said in frustration.

"But she's very tiny, pal, I'm sure you can handle her," she patted my arm, "Also, give her a chance, as I said, she's good."


I reached home earlier than I usually do and saw her sitting on the sofa.

My heart skipped a beat as I was seeing her after a couple of weeks. She is wearing black yoga pants with a grey zipper hoodie, her radiant skin lighting up in the dim light.

I had a very busy day full of meetings and calls but whenever I had a few seconds to myself, I spent them on hating her and somehow failing at that too.

But what I'm feeling now at the first glance of her is quite the opposite.

I feel calm.

I feel delightful.

A feeling of finally coming home after a long exile, a feeling of belonging.

I stared at her for a while, my eyes taking in every inch of her and refusing to turn away.

I guess, she sensed my presence too because she looked at me and her eyes lingered on me for a while but she went right back to using her phone.

I waited for her to look back at me but she didn't.

"Well played," I said as I tucked both my hands in my pants pockets.

"Thanks, I learned from the best," her words were sharp meant as a taunt.

"Enjoy while you can, it won't last longer," that caught her attention because she finally looked at me for good this time.

What I saw in her eyes wasn't the joy of victory but instead they we filled with anguish and tiredness. I thought she'll be over the moon today and will get on my nerves but what I'm seeing isn't what I expected.

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