Chapter 37

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Song: 'Surefire' by John Legend

I've been waiting for a long time
I've been waiting in the sunshine
Looking 'round like it's storming
Drying out like a histamine
I'm the warden on the front line
Yellow soldier on a dead mine
Listen, Lover, won't you call me
I'm a sucker for some harmony

Oh my
Oh my
Surefire yeah, the setting sun gonna set on me
Oh my
And oh my
Surefire yeah, the setting sun wants company

*Surprise, surprise! An early update for all you amazing readers to thank you for a wonderful response on the previous chapter. Kindly go back on the previous chapters and vote, it'll be a huge help. Also, leave some comments about your favourite characters, moments, or just your general views on the story as the audience engagement always helps to achieve wider readership.

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Enjoy this long read😘


“A gold digger talking about professionalism,” she stopped.

Generally, I don’t take account of such accusations or any, for that matter. Neither do I pay heed to any threats directed my way, especially such childish ones.

It’s like throwing stones into the ocean.

What she was trying to achieve by it is almost comical.

But what is not comical is how her eyes shone with confidence, the way she stood her ground unabashedly, having her own mind, and the fierceness in her voice is what’s not sitting right with me.

And why I chose to answer her back is beyond me because she’s that insignificant to me. It’s been almost two months since that joke of a wedding, yet I still can’t stand the sight of her; if anything, I despise her more and more with each passing moment.

I want to break her inch by inch, make her realize how worthless she is, how she is to behave the way I want her to like a puppy obeys his master. For her to be a living dead.

And so far, I was successful in it, at home, she’s all alone by herself, and in the office, I’ve assigned so much paperwork to her that it’s impossible for a human being to complete. Since her office is next to mine, where anyone is hardly ever allowed to come, there’s no chance of her having a human interaction either. Her lunch breaks are also different from others, even that I don’t allow her sometimes, so she’s in a loop of isolation. I don’t think in an office where approximately 3000 people are working, she has had interaction with anyone so far.

She can go out in her own time, but because of the long working hours and a shit ton of paperwork, I assume no one can have energy by the end of the day.    

I want her to know that it’s not easy being a billionaire’s wife; it’s lonely, especially when you’re so unwanted. Whatever she thought she was to gain from it, she’ll never achieve it.

To be honest, I thought by now she would’ve left, but I guess she’s stupid or just very greedy. Seriously, it took her so much time to realize what her field of work actually is. She thought she’d be getting everything on a silver platter because we’re contractually bound; what an idiot.

But today, today was different. She’s different.

And that is something I can’t allow.

“Excuse me?”

“Those are some big words coming from someone,” I got up from my chair and stood in front of the table, and leaned against it, “who’s used to taking shortcuts and relying on other people’s money. I wonder how hard that career can be.”

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