Chapter 4 | Strawberries and Blooming Flowers

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THE fresh air greeted Verena, the wind softly brushing against her face as if to welcome her. With closed eyes, she took deep breaths. Her thoughts became too much, her emotions trying to break through her mask. She wanted to yell at the Euronea soldiers. Or run after Atlas, telling him she didn't take no for an answer. That they can't come into their city expecting them to follow their commands.

But she didn't

At this moment, Atlas may not see her as an enemy yet, or perhaps he did, which was why he wanted her on the non-existent council. Whatever it was, Verena needed to play along with their games or accept the consequences.

A Euronean soldier stood guard before the door. After some convincing, and soldiers checking in with their commander, they allowed Verena to enter the Keep's garden. The place was overgrown due to years of neglect. Part of her liked it. Here, nature had won from concrete.

She walked down the stone path, which had almost as much moss and weeds as stone. Between the high bushes, wild-grown flowers, plants, and trees, Verena imagined herself outside of the city. She pretended to stroll across a secret garden by an abandoned castle where no one could find her.

Memories came rushing back to her. Good ones. The kind that makes you warm and fuzzy inside. She remembered sneaking into the garden with her sister and friends to play. No one would bother them. No soldier or officer able to find them.

Or when her mom climbed with her over the wall, and it was their little secret. Not even her father could know. Her school was destroyed, and Mom taught her in the garden instead. At least, that was the story her mom told her. Verena didn't know Neoluxis hadn't stopped attacking after targeting the school, and they needed a place to hide from the fighters.

Verena bents down to a robust rock. Her hand dusted off the sand as her nails scratched off the moss until the marking became visible. The word Verena was carved into the stone.

"From the valleys to the mountain to the sea, you are free. Drifting on the wind, rustling in the trees, and whispering in the rain, your memories will remain," Verena whispers to herself the words she said too many times before to honour the recently deceased.

Her heart leapt into her throat as a soft miaowing came from under the bushes. Curses rolled off her lips. Between the strawberry plants stood a small ginger cat.

"Hello, sweet creature." She reached towards the cat. The animal came forward, his nose going up and down as he sniffed her. A bit of strawberry juice stained his snout. Involuntarily, the corner of her lips twitched up into a broad smile. The cat rubbed his head against her wrist.

"Hello, Strawberry. Aren't you the sweetest thing?" She took the purring cat into her lap.

Her hands stroked his body, seeing if there was any injury, but the cat — Strawberry — seemed perfectly healthy.

"You know, you're a very brave kitten. Pets aren't allowed outside or anywhere unless you have a permit, and I don't think anyone in the Centre has one." Not only were they expensive, cost food and space, but it was dangerous to get attached to things.

Strawberry miaowed in response.

"Don't worry, little one. I will keep your secret."

Reality seemed to disappear with Strawberry's presence, and so did her worries. Here, she was sitting in a secret garden with a secret cat. Strawberry gave her another rub with his small head before jumping off her lap. He looked at her with his shimmering green eyes.

"Do you want to show me your home, Strawberry?" she asked, and for a second, she wondered if she might have gone insane, talking to a cat. But Strawberry led her down the path, and she followed.

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