Chapter 7 | Responsibilities

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IT was dark outside — for a while now, actually. No stars were visible, but Verena knew they were there. The Keep, and probably most of the city, was sound asleep. The coldness of the floor seeped through her socks, freezing her feet. She didn't dare wear shoes, afraid to wake someone up.

She looked through the window at the soft rain leaving drops on the glass. Hopefully, Strawberry was somewhere safe and warm. For a second, she contemplated going outside to look for the ginger cat.

"It's the middle of the night," the powerful yet velvety voice said behind her, making her heart leap into her throat... again.

"Is there a curfew?" She laughed and turned to Atlas.

His brows pulled together in the slightest movement. "There is."

She tilted her head, trying to see if he was joking or not. "Wait... really?"

"There has been one since the day I got you from the bunker."

Great, another moment Verena showed obliviousness and an opportunity for Atlas to brag about being a self-proclaimed hero.

"And does it apply to these hallways?" she asked.

He shook his head with a smile. "No, but you shouldn't be awake at this hour."

"And you should?"

His laugh filled the empty hallway. "No, I ought not to, but trials and rebellions give lots of paperwork."

"Poor you." She leaned her back against the wall as they both stood in the silence of the night.

"Will you be at the trials tomorrow?" Atlas asked, like he didn't know the answer. She averted her gaze, biting her lip. "I guess that's a no, and you won't be at the sentencing either?"

"Why do you think I want to witness the sentencing when I wouldn't attend the trials?"

"We could use your support, Verena—"

She pushed herself off the wall and strolled away.

"Verena." From the corner of her eyes, she noticed Atlas reaching for her arm but changing his mind at the last second. Still, she turned to him. "You need to announce you're in the council," Atlas said.

"And I will." Sooner or later.

He took another step nearer, towering over her. "This isn't my first city, Verena."

"Then convince me why I should believe you, Atlas."

Atlas glanced at her lips before meeting her eyes again. "Let me walk you to your room,"

She sighed. If she wanted to go to her room, she would. But the walls inched closer with every heartbeat, her mind restless and her body even more.

Reading her thoughts, he said, "If you want, I can get you something to help you sleep." She thought about it for a brief moment, but long enough for Atlas to notice. "There's no shame in taking something."

It wasn't like she was opposed to medication. Berulex had a limited supply of sleeping pills, and the passiflora plants burned down. Then there was the other issue... "Anything can happen when you fall asleep. I'd rather stay alert."

"Sleep deprivation won't keep you alert either." An actual hint of concern seeped through his voice.

"I'll tell you when it kicks in," Verena said, poking at him.

He started walking, gesturing for her to follow, and as a sheep, she did. "Promise?" Atlas asked, looking over his shoulder at her.

Was he serious? "Sure."

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