Chapter 1: Rookie

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    Sweat beamed down my face, hitting the mat underneath me. I stood, catching my breath. The cool air around me helped dry the sweat that constantly dripped down my cheeks.

 "Wow Marley you beat your record," Katana said. "What, really," I said as I looked over at her stopwatch. I wiped the sweat from my face with a towel. "I think that's enough for today, you're sweating enough for the both of us," Katana joked as she took a sip from her water bottle. 

I chuckled at her comment, Katana always had a way to make me laugh. I threw the towel over my shoulder as I bent down and grabbed my duffel bag. "I'll call you later," I said as I walked out. "Have a great first day at the station tomorrow," she shouted as she waved frantically. I smiled as I walked out of the garage. The cool breeze blew on my face, I stopped in front of an apartment building.

I pulled on the door and walked into the lobby. "Good afternoon Marley, did you have a good work out,". "I did, thank you for asking Jett,". "Your mail is in front of your door," he said with a smile. I nodded as I made my way up the stairs, I picked up the stacks of envelopes from the floor. My keys jingled as I opened my door, I pushed it shut with my foot as I looked through the envelopes. "Bill, bill, junk mail, bill, letter,". I threw the rest of the mail on the coffee table and ripped open the pink envelope in my hands. I unfolded the letter as I locked the door.

Dear Marley,

Hey little sis, it's been a while since we talked. I wanted to tell you so many things that have happened in my life but I don't know if you're still mad at me or not. If you are, I understand, what I did was wrong but if you have gotten over your anger I would like to invite you to my wedding. Juno and I would be overjoyed if you could come.. It's in 3 months, I hope you can make it there and hopefully bring a cute date with you.

Sincerely, Your sister Delta

I flung the letter on the floor and dropped my bag. "Of course she wants me to come to her wedding, she's marrying that dummy Juno," I muttered as I made my way to the bathroom. I turned on the faucet, the warm water ran down my back as I stood with my head on the wall. I sighed, closing my eyes as I moved my wavy brown hair out of my face. 

I took my shower and got dressed. The steam from the bathroom filled the living room as I opened the door. I grabbed a box of pizza from out of the fridge, I took two slices out and placed them on a plate. I stood waiting for the microwave to go off. As the beeping from the microwave grew louder and louder I finally opened the door. I flopped onto the couch and switched on the tv as I took a bite of my pizza.

A man stood in front of a podium, he wore a captain's uniform. A photo of a girl appeared on the screen as the man began to speak. "The case of Gracie Clover rocked our beautiful city of Acacia 17 years ago. Her case was solved and with recent evidence coming to light we will reopen the case after its 16 year closure. My station will find Gracie Clover, and solve her case. I have two new recruits that I will be training to get this case solved. Gracie if you're watching this, we will get you home. That's a promise,". "Poor girl," I said as I turned off the tv. I walked a small distance and placed my plate in the sink. I threw the crust in the trash can beside the sink and laid down on the couch. "Hopefully I'll change something about that case," I said as I laid a book on my face. I laid my head back on the arm of the couch.

Beep Beep Beep

I jumped up on the couch, I looked around for my phone. I tapped the dismiss button on my alarm. Quickly I stood up, I threw on a white tank top and my uniform. I buttoned up the last two buttons and put on my shoes. I grabbed my phone and keys and left out the door. I ran down the stairs. "Good morning Jett,". "Morning Marley,". I ran out of the lobby door and down the street. 

I stopped in front of the police station, smoothing out of my shirt. I opened the door and walked inside, everyone stared at me, whispering among their peers. I stood in front of Captain Morgan's office, I sighed as I knocked. "Come in," his voice muffled from inside the door. I opened the door, and closed it. I looked and saw two guys sitting in chairs in front of the desk. I sat in the empty chair and turned my attention to the captain. "Your late Nova,". "I'm sorry, I tried to get here on time,". "I don't want to hear your sorrys," he said. I nodded as he turned the guy beside me. "You two are the new recruits, Nova meet Moon,". 

He extended his hand and I shook it. "Moon you will be put in the field immediately, Jones and Copper need someone like you on their team. You are dismissed,". "Yes sir," Moon said as he stood up and left. "Nova, you will put on something more serious,". "Like the Gracie Clover case," I asked. "No, you will take part in a Code Blue Ops mission, a case that went south. You will go with Indigo, he will explain everything you need to know about this to you. While you are there you will also be working desk shifts here at the station as well,". "But sir,". "No buts, you do as I say or no job is that understood," he said as he passed me a badge and gun. "I know you graduated 3rd in your class so I know you'll do great work. You are dismissed,".

I grabbed the badge and gun from the table. I stood up and walked out of Captain Morgan's office. The guy that sat in the office followed behind me. I opened the door and held my head low. "Hey, don't let Morgan put you down. Trust me it's not as bad as it seems," the guy said with a smile. He opened the door to his car and I got in. He got into the driver's side and started the engine. I looked at the station as he drove off. "My name is Indigo Winters, it's nice to meet you Nova," he said. "Marley is fine," I said as I continued to look out the window. "Okay then," he mumbled as he turned his attention back to the road. We sat quietly the entire ride, he stopped his car in front of a huge building.

I got out of the car, I marveled at the building. "Welcome Marley to the IAA," Indigo said as he led me inside. I looked around at all the items in the display cases. "What will I be doing here exactly," I asked as we continued walking. "You will be working with a team to solve a Code Blue Ops case,". "But why me, out of every officer in the station," I asked. 

We stepped into an elevator and he pressed the 2nd floor buttons. "The only way you can be put onto a Code Blue case is if you are connected to the case whether that's physically, emotionally, mentally or by default,". "Default," I asked. "Like your parents or someone from your family were involved somehow,". The door to the elevator opened and we stepped off. "Do you know how I am connected,". "I think I might have a hunch," Indigo said as he stopped short. 

We both stood, broken glass was all over the floor. A man with scrunchy hair and a huge beard stepped out of a room, he held his hands up. I drew my gun, aiming it at him. "Don't shoot," Indigo said. "Why not, he looks like a danger to us," I said as I held my gun tight. "You wouldn't shoot your teammate would you," the man said as he stepped closer. "My what,". 

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