anger and resolution

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Jimin was talking and jk he was immersed in his beauty how beautiful he look while taking he look at some bangs on jimin eyes falling he try to move and move his hand close to his ear rings.
As JK's hand inadvertently brushed against Jimin's cheek, a sudden tension filled the room. Jimin, feeling a bit uneasy, didn't say anything, but the awkwardness lingered. JK, sensing the discomfort, withdrew his hand and asked, "Why didn't you say anything? Did I make you uncomfortable?"

Jimin, hesitant, replied, "You're my husband. You can do whatever you like."

The words hung in the air, and it unexpectedly ignited a spark of anger in JK. He had been trying his best not to make Jimin feel insecure, and this unintentional slip seemed to undo his efforts.
The words hit JK unexpectedly, igniting a flicker of anger. He had been working tirelessly to ensure Jimin felt secure, and now, his own husband seemed to dismiss his boundaries. Holding back his frustration, JK muttered, "I'm doing my best, Jimin."

Feeling a mix of emotions, JK moved to the corner of the bed, creating a physical distance. Jimin, now feeling the weight of his words, regretted not expressing himself more clearly. As the room fell into silence, the tension grew.

the quiet of the room, Jimin sniffled, attempting to stifle his sobs. The atmosphere became charged with unspoken emotions as Jimin lay there, regarding his choice of words and the subsequent rift it had caused.

Meanwhile, JK, feeling a mix of frustration and disappointment, couldn't help but glance at Jimin. The sight of his husband in distress added another layer of guilt to his emotions.

JK: "I don't want you to feel like I'm forcing anything, Jimin. That's not what I want."

But Jimin, following a learned behavior, stayed silent. He let the tears fall silently, burying his emotions deep within. The room became a battleground of unspoken fears and unaddressed concerns.

As the night wore on, the distance between them seemed insurmountable. Jimin, still in a pool of his own tears, wondered if he had made a grave mistake. Meanwhile, JK, at the corner of the bed, contemplated how to bridge the growing gap between them.

The clock ticked on, marking the passage of time in a room heavy with emotions, unspoken words, and the ache of misunderstandings.

As the days passed, the once warm connection between Jimin and JK began to fade. Jimin's words had cast a shadow over their relationship, and now a palpable silence engulfed their interactions. They no longer shared breakfast, and JK's responses to Jimin's questions were minimal.

Jimin, feeling increasingly lost, missed the warmth he had initially found in their marriage. The home that had once felt comforting now echoed with a deafening silence. Meanwhile, JK immersed himself in work, seeking solace in the busy routine.

One evening, as JK worked alongside Namjoon, the frustration of the strained relationship became evident. In a moment of vulnerability, JK couldn't help but ask for advice.

JK: "Hyung, how did you make your marriage work? I feel like i am not good enough as a husband."

Namjoon:" Well, jk for any marriage it's better if you understand your partners feelings, sometimes it take a lot just for explaining so, we also need patience till they feel free to tell us.

Namjoon, with the wisdom of experience, offered his advice on communication and understanding. JK, nodding in agreement, took the guidance to heart.

That night, as they shared dinner and returned to their room, the silence continued to dominate. JK, unable to bear the frustration, got up, intending to leave the room. Jimin, sensing his restlessness, stopped him.

Jimin: "Where are you going?"
Jk: "outside it's suffocating here ".

As JK stood by the door, expressing his need for air due to the suffocating atmosphere, jimin, felt a surge of desperation. He couldn't bear the thought of JK leaving, so he rushed towards him, wrapping his arms around JK from behind, and cried out, "No, don't go."

Feeling the sudden embrace, JK's hand paused on the door handle. Jimin's tears, a silent plea, added an urgency to the moment. JK turned around, gently pulling Jimin into a comforting hug.

JK: "Jimin, don't cry. I'm not going anywhere."love please.

Jimin, still holding onto JK, managed to speak through his tears.

Jimin: "I don't want you to leave. I miss u alpha".

JK, stroking Jimin's hair, spoke with a soothing tone.

JK: "I'm here, Jimin. I'm not leaving. We'll figure this out together, okay?"
Jimin :' kept crying and jk stand still stroking his back until he stop crying ".

Jimin, feeling the reassurance in JK's embrace, slowly began to calm down. JK continued, choosing his words carefully.

JK: "I don't want us to drift apart either. Let's talk, share what we're feeling."

They remained in the embrace, the room no longer suffocating but filled with a mix of emotions. Jimin, now composed, looked up at JK.

Jimin: "I just want us to be okay, JK. I don't want to lose you."

JK, wiping away Jimin's tears, smiled softly.

JK: "You won't lose me, Jimin. We're in this together. Let's talk, honey."

Jimin, feeling the strain of the situation, mustered the courage to express his own emotions.

JK: "I just don't want to make you uncomfortable. I'm trying, Jimin."

Jimin, with a mix of sadness and determination, responded, "I don't want us to drift apart. Please dont leave me again.

They sat down, still holding each other, and began the challenging but necessary conversation. The words flowed, the silence shattered, and the room transformed into a space where they could confront their fears, express their needs, and rebuild the connection that had momentarily slipped away.

JK: "I don't want to do anything that makes you doubt my commitment".

Jimin, realizing the impact of his words, wiped away a tear and said, "I know, JK. I'm sorry if I made you upset. I just want us to be open with each other."

Sensing Jimin's genuine remorse, JK softened a bit.

JK: "I'm not upset with you, Jimin. I just want us to understand each other better."

Jimin: "Let's talk about it, alpha. We're in this together, and I want us to be on the same page." I just don't want to loose you alpha "

JK, meeting Jimin's gaze, nodded.

JK: "I don't want you to doubt my intentions.just keep this in mind.I'm here for you, always."

They spent the night unraveling their feelings, sharing concerns, and learning more about each other. Eventually, the emotional storm settled, and they found comfort in the shared journey of navigating the intricacies of their marriage.
Jimin who think that he lost the warmth now into his husband embracing him like a pup . Smiling accepted and sleep on his husbands chest .

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