I was trying to intimidate him and hoped that if I tried hard enough, he would feel pressured into letting me go. However, the chances were not very high.

"I'm very aware that people are searching for you."
He informs me. "But you're out of luck. They can't find you where we are. We're underground, you see. Not many people know about us. We stay hidden. And we've been waiting for you for a long time, princess."


I was getting a freaking headache from every word coming out of this freak's mouth.

Who did he think he was? He had to be crazy to mess with me, knowing who my family was.

"This is your last chance to let me go," I growl.

I didn't want to show him my power, but if it were the only way to break free from his hold, I would do it. I was desperate to get away from him. I was desperate to return home to the people that loved me.

He laughs, "What can you do? Show me what you can do, and maybe then I'll consider letting you go. Come on, Autumn Reign. Impress me. Let me see what you got."

That was it. I hope he eats his words after I'm done with him.

My hands are shaking as I try to use a spell to free myself. I barely knew how to control my power, but I was willing to do anything at all right now.

However, nothing happens even though i'm trying the hardest I've ever done before. It shouldn't be this hard, the last few times I used my power, it flowed out of me. Maybe I'm not angry enough for it to work.

He chuckles, "Well, that was surprisingly entertaining. I should inform you that you can't
use your power. The straps on the table restrict your power and prevent you from using it. No matter how hard you try, nothing is going to happen as long as you're strapped to
that table."

I gasped, he knew about my power. Suddenly, I didn't think he'd kidnapped me while thinking I was someone else, it seemed like he knew more about me than I knew about myself. I was even more terrified now that I knew things were a lot more complicated than initially thought it was.

Maybe that's why I was here, to begin with. Because of my power. Why hadn't I thought of that at first?

The machines made sense now, the probability of them being used on me had just increased. I felt dizzy. I didn't know how to help myself. I didn't know what to do to get my freedom once more.

"You're suddenly very quiet. Do you realize now that you can't escape unless I want you to?" He asks.

"Who are you?" I whisper.

I could barely recognize my voice, the fear was hard to miss. I can tell that he heard it as well. I can sense his happiness from all the way over here.

He knew that he had trapped me. He knew that I was at his mercy. That's what he wanted all along, for me to realize that I didn't have any other options but to listen to him.

"Let's talk about you before we talk about me, shall we?" He asks.

I don't say anything. I didn't think I had a say in this.

He was going to tell me even if I said no. He's quiet as he waits for me to respond, but when I continue to remain silent.
he says, "I'll start by telling you about your father."

"I know who my father is." I snap.

I didn't need to know anything else about my own father. I grew up with him, I knew more about him than this stranger did.

"No." He cuts me off. "You don't know. Your father isn't some weak billionaire. Your father is a man with incredible power. The kind of power that terrified those around him. There's no one like him, no one of his kind that can beat that kind of power. Your father is none other than Azai Reign. The most powerful of his kind that ever walked the earth."

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