13. Longing.

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ITS BEEN A FEW WEEKS, AND GETO was slowly recovering due to Gojo's support, of course. He tried his best to cheer him up, be attentive to his needs and tried his hardest to listen. And his work was paying off. Geto hasn't been on a mission since the Star Plasma Vessel mission fail.

Gojo was away on a mission. Which—would normally be fine, usually. But with Geto now alone, his intrusive and dark thoughts began to wander his mind. Gojo would always distract him with something else at times like these. Another dull like day without his lover. And he wouldn't be back for a few days, which upset him.

But he would call everyday, almost every hour if he wasn't busy. It was around 6 pm when Geto awaited his call. He hadn't been replying to his texts, which meant he was busy. He eventually fell into a deep sleep upon waiting.

Gojo had been so busy today, he didn't have time to call Geto. But he was always on his mind. He finally reached the hotel room late at night. The white hared boy took a quick shower before he flopped onto the bed, purely exhausted. "Oh, Suguru." He remembered, reaching for his phone as he dialed his number. It rang a few times before a sleepy Geto picked up the phone.

"Hey, Suguru." He greeted, putting on a cheerful tone despite his tiredness. "Mnn, Hi Satoru.." he mumbled as he let out a yawn from the other side of the phone. Woah. His sleepy voice was kind of hot.. "Hm? Were you sleeping?" He asked, fixing his posture on the bed. He heard a hum in response. "Were you busy..?" His lover's sweet, yet sleepy voice questioned. "Yeah, I had to exorcise curses all day." He sighed, pressing the phone further onto his ear.

"Oh, you must be tired then." He heard from the other line. "I am. But I wanna talk to you some more." That made Geto smile a bit. Not that Gojo could see it. They talked for a while, laughing about nonsensical things. He could hear the other boy yawn from the opposite side of the phone every so often, a signal that he was still tired.

"I should let you get some rest." Geto finally said after a while, upon hearing a yawn from the other line. "Awwh...Let's talk a little more, yeah? I still haven't told you how I finished my mission," Gojo whined, turning over in bed. "Satoru. Sleep. I'll see you in a few days time, alright?"

Gojo pursed his lips. "Hmph...fine." He muttered, but Geto could hear him perfectly fine. "I love you. Goodnight.." Geto added shyly, before quickly hanging up. Gojo's heart felt as if it was about to explode. "I love you too." It was redundant, saying it now when he already hung up, but Geto knew he did.

He turned off the lights, drifting into a deep sleep.

The last few days were spent on his mission, clearing out curses in the areas infested with them. And it was quite easy. Maybe if he hurried, he could see Geto faster. But his partner wouldn't like it if he over exerted himself. He sighed, his head resting on the car seat as he was driven to the next location.

Tomorrow, Gojo would come back. Geto wanted tomorrow to come so badly. They were on a call again, just as before. "Oh yeah, and then I—wait. Are you listening?" Gojo asked, an accusing tone in his voice. "Yes. You used reversal red, then you came for it's weakpoint. Am I correct?"

"You forgot the explosions and guts flying everywhere." Gojo grumbled, static following in suit. Geto could only guess he was turning in bed. "Ah, Yes. How could I possibly forget." Geto deadpanned, shifting his head on the pillow. "Whatever. I'm excited to see you tomorrow though," Gojo seemed to had the phone up to his mouth now, Geto could hear him more clearly.

"Mmn. Did you miss me that much?" Geto chuckled, hearing an embarrassed groan come from the other line. "Yeah." Geto smiled a bit at his response. "How have you been holdin' up without me?" Oh. He was talking about his situation. "I've been okay. You've been keeping me busy with these calls."

Gojo sighed with relief. "Okay, good. I'll be back pretty late tomorrow. The drive is going to take almost all day. It's gonna suck." Staying in the car for a few hours? Horrible. "Alright then. I'll be waiting for your return." He felt a bit disappointed that he had to wait almost a full day for him to come back.

"Don't worry. I'll give you lots of kisses when I come back." Gojo laughed, smooching noises coming from Geto's phone. "Alright, alright. Get some rest now. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Awwh...g'night then."

"Sweet dreams, Satoru." Gojo ended the call and sighed softly before turning off the light and heading to bed.

It was about 8 pm. Geto had yet another boring day. Without missions and Gojo to keep him occupied, it was rather boring here. He brushed up on his studies, even doodling for a bit before he closed his notebook that sat on his desk.

He heard a knock at his door. Could that be his beloved? He answered it, only to be pounced on by Gojo. "Suguru!" He greeted happily, holding him quite tightly. Geto stroked his snowy white hair. "Satoru." His voice was soft in comparison to Gojo's. Which he liked.

"I missed you." Gojo mumbled into his shoulder as he gave him another squeeze. "I've missed you, too." They shared an embrace for a few more moments before Gojo had the heart to let go. He held his waist instead, still wanting to be able to hold him. He leaned forward, planting a small kiss on his lips.

Geto smiled at his advances, kissing him back. They went at this for a while—showering eachother in kisses until the other stopped. "Mmn. You must be tired." Geto commented after a few minutes of their kissing. "A little. But I wanna stay up with you."

"Alright. You can borrow my clothes to sleep in. You're probably uncomfortable in your uniform." Geto suggested, already thinking of where he put his spare clothing. "Why don't you take it off for me?" Gojo tried his hand at flirting—again. And it didn't totally fail! He knew he was naturally charming all along.

Geto didn't expect that and his cheeks were a pink hue and his ears were bright red. It was cute. "Do it yourself." He grumbled, slightly pushing him away as he leaned in. "You know you want to~ c'mon! I won't bite unless you want me to." Gojo grinned wolfishly, eager to tease him.

"Go shower." Geto changed the subject, hoping to get some of the attention off of him. He pushed him off due to embarrassment. Gojo eventually sighed in defeat, dragging himself to the shower while Geto waited for him on his bed.

He closed his eyes, focusing on the white noise and the light hum coming from the unknown. It seems he dozed off because a few water droplets falling on his face woke him up. "Were ya sleepin?" Gojo asked with a smile across his face, drying off his hair with the towel around his neck.

"Mmn. I guess so." He sat up, taking a few moments to look at his partner who was just in a pair of briefs. "Put on some clothes, you'll catch a cold."

"Yes, mom." Gojo retorted with a sneer, heading over to the drawer, knowing exactly which one to rummage in for night wear. Geto only watched him for a moment before laying back down. He felt the bed shift before a pair of arms wrapped around him.

"You smell nice." Gojo muttered, nuzzling up to him as they laid in bed together. Geto pulled him close, realizing how much he missed his warmth. They stayed like this, wrapped up in eachother's embrace, legs entangled together. He missed this.

A soft kiss was planted upon Gojo's forehead. He hummed at the display of affection, squeezing him momentarily in response. "You were okay without me, right?" Gojo decided to ask to fill the silence. "More or less." Geto responded simply, looking down to meet his azure eyes,

"Um...I'm thinking about going on missions again soon." Geto brought up, surprised at seeing Gojo shoot up from the bed. "Missions? Are you sure?" His lover nodded. "Yes. I'll be fine." He attempted to reassure, only to see a face of worry on Gojo.

He rarely had a worried expression on his face, and it made Geto's heart throb. "I'll come with you." There was no debate about it. His tone stood firm. "Fine, fine. Just go to sleep." Geto dragged him back into his arms, Gojo huffing defeatedly before un-tensing within his embrace.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14 ⏰

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