10. Star Plasma Vessel. (1)

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THE TWO BOYS SAT INFRONT OF YAGA, along with Shoko, waiting for their discipline. They had made a scene earlier while helping Mei Mei and Utahime out with a curse. "And who's fault was it?" Yaga's voice boomed in the otherwise empty room.

Both Shoko and Geto pointed to Gojo with their index finger, placing all the blame onto him. The white haired boy gave them a glare of betrayal and annoyance. "I don't understand why we have to be so secretive! We got rid of that curse didn't we? And no one was hurt—" a large hand hit him on the head.

They snickered at him before straightening up once Yaga gave them a look. "Even if nobody got hurt—"

"We still have to protect them." Geto finished, glancing Gojo's way to see if he understood. He only stared back. "Right." Yaga agreed, giving a slight nod to his head. "Speaking of, I have a mission for the two of you." Gojo refrained from groaning in annoyance. He didn't want another hit in the head.

"Tengen-sama requested the two of you to transport his vessel safely back to the school. The rest will be taken care of."

"Who's Tengen-sama?" Gojo asked, a bit confused. They all gave him a look of bewilderment. "You..you don't know who Tengen-sama is?" Geto asked, his eyes slightly wide. "No? Should I know him?"

"We learned about it for a reason, you idiot."

"Hehe, I guess I wasn't paying attention.."

Yaga cleared his throat, trying to retrieve their attention. "Tengen-sama is the foundation of our society. His cursed technique has to do with forcing it's user to change it's body every 500 years. He must merge with a compatible Star Plasma Vessel." He informed, hoping he'd understand. He nodded in response.

"So..we have to find his Vessel and take them here?"

"Yes. It should take you a few days. Riko Amanai, that is the Star Plasma Vessel."

"Oh great, we got some brat to take care of," Gojo muttered under his breath, flinching as Yaga raised his hand. "Dismissed." He spoke, all of them scrambling up and dashing out of his office.

"I can't believe you two had to rat me out like that! Some friends you are," Gojo huffed, his arms folded across his chest. "Well, you were the one at fault." Geto shrugged, leaning up against the wall. "Yeah, he's right. It's always your fault."

"Stop ganging up on me!" Gojo whined, uncrossing his arms. "Now we have some stupid mission to bring that brat to Tengen-sama." He sighed dramatically. "She cannot be that bad, Satoru. You haven't met her yet." Geto gave him a look once he sighed. "Good luck to you two," Shoko grins, quite glad she doesn't have to tag along.

"Wow, thanks Shoko." Gojo says sarcastically, giving his eyes a roll. "Let's get going then, Satoru." They said their goodbyes and went to find Tengen-sama's vessel.

"I'll go up to her room." Geto spoke once they reached to their destination. "K." Gojo agreed, figuring he should scout around the area in the meantime. "Meet me up there." He nodded before he watched Geto make his way inside the hotel. Once he reached the elevator, he got a call.

"Yoo, Suguru," Gojo greeted once he answered. "I just saw you, why are you calling me?" Geto sighed, pressing a button on the elevator. "Just cause'." He could hear a snicker out of him through the phone.

"Hm? Who're you?" Gojo raised an eyebrow, seeing a man approach him. He looked pretty suspicious. He didn't say anything, only a flurry of knives flying his way. It was stopped by his infinity, of course. Gojo grinned, his phone dropping from his ear as he held it in hand.

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