08. Young Love.

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"S...SUGURU, I REALLY CAN'T go anymore," Gojo breathes out, feeling as if every muscle in his body was about to combust. Sweat collected on his forehead, dripping down the side of his face. "Just one more time." Geto responded softly, giving his back a gentle rub. "I think I'll die if you—"

"You guys are making this awfully sexual." Shoko chimed in, stamping out her last cigarette. She'd probably have to do a store run later. Gojo collapsed on the floor with a groan, Geto sitting on top of his back nonchalantly. "If you had done one more, it would've been 50." Geto shrugs, standing up. "How..how was THAT sexual?! He was making me do labor!!!" Gojo heaved, wanting some air.

"You gotta toughen up, Satoru."


"I won't collapse like you did." Geto said rather confidently, getting into a push up position. "Yeah, he has a better chance then you." Shoko snickered, earning a glare from him. "Ugh.. why are we even doing this again?" Gojo groaned, rolling his shoulders. It had been a few weeks since he got injured on his mission a while back. And due to his healing factor, he was able to heal up pretty fast. And it's been a few weeks since they've confessed. And a few weeks in to their new relationship.

Everything was the same. besides the occasional making out, more physical contact and so on. "We're doing this so your muscles won't stiffen up after your injury. what do they call that?"

"Physical therapy?" Shoko inquired. "Ah, yeah."

"I don't need that!! And I'm pretty sure people don't do push ups for physical therapy.." Gojo grumbled, rubbing his shoulder, where it was impaled before. The wound was almost fully healed. "It actually is a thing." Shoko replied, reaching for a cig box in her pocket out of habit. She realized it wasn't there and sighed.

Geto was on his feet this time, standing near the other two. "This is just pure torture! Suguru is too heavy on my back." He whined, rubbing his back to exaggerate. "You little shit, are you trying to call me fat?" He gave him a slap on the back of the head. Gojo groaned in pain. "Maybe if you laid off the soba for a while..."

"Says the one who eats more than 10 burgers at KFC." He responded with attitude, his arms crossed. "we get it, both of you are fatasses," Shoko heaved a sigh, rummaging around in her pocket to retrieve a lollipop to distract her from her smoking addiction. she plopped it in her mouth after unwrapping it. They kept bickering, and it eventually got physical. They tussled, their hands clasped together as they pushed the other with all their strength. Shoko was so done with their bullshit.

They ran around the training grounds, trying to land a hit on each other. Gojo eventually leapt onto his back, holding him by the shoulders and steering him down to the ground. Geto grabbed his arm, pulling him off his back and flipped him over, sending him crashing to the ground. "Owww!! Time out, Time out!!!!" Gojo whined, scrambling up from the floor. Geto pinned him back down, sitting on his back. "If I'm so heavy, I hope you suffocate underneath me." How petty.

Shoko only watched, a bit amused by their banter. Gojo squirmed, trying to get from under him. "Get off'a me!!" Geto didn't budge. "I'm going to run and get some cigs from the convenience store. Need anything?" Shoko asked, crunching on the rest of her lollipop. "Something sweet." Geto replied normally while Gojo writhed and complained from underneath him. "Got it. I'll be back soon." She turned on her heel, waving lazily before she headed to the store.

"You don't even like sweets." Gojo grumbled, laying still as he accepted defeat. "It's for you, idiot. And couldn't you just use limitless?" Oh yeah. "I forgot about that, hehe.." He snickered. "It seems you like me beating your ass. Masochist?"

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