Chapter 17: The Cave Trials

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Deeper into the cave, where silence held its dominion, Alora and Ryu faced a series of riddles that resonated through the chamber like elusive echoes. Each question, a key, unlocking the mysteries that bound them to the cavern's core. The first riddle whispered, "I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with the wind. What am I?" Alora and Ryu exchanged glances, their thoughts converging. "An echo," Alora responded.

The whispers swirled in approval, a subtle vibration confirming their understanding. They moved forward, the cavern's unseen guardians presenting the next enigma. "I fly without wings. I cry without eyes. Wherever I go, darkness follows me. What am I?" Alora had to ponder this one. She looks at Ryu trying to read his facial expressions. He looked confused for just a moment but that didn't last long. Ryu's eyes gleamed with recognition. "A cloud," he declared. Once again, the chamber responded, a harmonious acknowledgment of their shared comprehension. The path unfolded, and they stepped into the third riddle.

"The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I?" Alora's gaze met Ryu's, a silent exchange of thoughts. Alora looked at Ryu this time smirking. She was waiting to see if he could solve the riddle before she answered. He shrugged his shoulders in defeat.  "Footsteps," she answered. When she said the answer he yelled out "Ohhh... I should've got that one." The whispers resonated with an ethereal satisfaction, weaving the journey deeper into the heart of the cave. As they approached the final riddle, a tangible sense of anticipation filled the air. "I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I can unlock your deepest fears. What am I?" Alora answered first, full of confidence in her tone, she answers "A dream." As she says that the ceiling slowly began lowering.

"Uh.. Ryu I think we need to solve the puzzle a little faster" she say in a panicked tone as she watches the ceiling lower. Alora and Ryu paused, the weight of the question lingering between them. In unison, they spoke, "The mind." A profound silence settled, the chamber absorbing their response. Then, as if enchanted, a hidden passage revealed itself. The cavern acknowledged their bond, forged through the language of riddles, guiding them toward the unknown depths that awaited. Alora and Ryu stood before the stream, pondering the challenge laid out in front of them. A Glimmerhoof, an Asune, and a sack of feed, each on a pedestal, while a solitary boat floated in the water.

 A Glimmerhoof, an Asune, and a sack of feed, each on a pedestal, while a solitary boat floated in the water

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"Okay, the Glimmerhoof should go first," Alora suggested, her voice echoing slightly in the cavernous space. "But if we leave the Asune with the feed..." Ryu began, his voice trailing off as he imagined the consequences. "Nothing will happen the Asune is a carnivore" Alora says recounting the Asune as one of the many creatures Fern has told her about. "we'll bring the Glimmerhoof back with us when we take the Asune across," Alora, her eyes bright with realization. "That way, the feed is safe."

Ryu nodded, impressed with her logic. He gently led the Glimmerhoof into the boat and rowed across the stream. After leaving it on the other side, he returned to Alora. "Now for the feed," Ryu said, as he picked up the sack. Alora watched anxiously as Ryu rowed back across the stream with the sack. Once he reached the other side, he placed the creature down and returned the Glimmerhoof to the boat. "Why bring it back?" Ryu asked, a touch of frustration in his voice. "We can't leave the Glimmerhoof with the feed. This way, we only leave the feed alone," Alora explained.

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