Chapter 14 ⚠️

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Sexual harassment, themes of rape.
Please skip if you don't feel comfortable reading as I said I'll put a summary of the chapter in chapter 15.

As soon as we walk in my sense of smell is over come by the smell of sweat and alcohol. We walk over to a room as we see michah and Cole "yooo" Cole says we all say hi back "let's go to the kitchen to get some drinks" Charlotte says excitedly "baby you've had enough" Izzy replies which Charlotte replies to with a pout "one drink, let's go" Izzy gives in. Leaving Charlotte happy again. Me Cole and michah laugh a little as we walk towards the kitchen it has a big bowl of something red probably punch and then lots of bottles with some juices which I assume are for mixing but i just take some apple juice on it's own, after downing our shots. Besides me. We kind of split up as michah and Cole went to find girls leaving me third wheeling.

"Let's dance" Charlotte slurs and we all get up, me quicker since I'm kinda getting bored I keep getting these weird looks from one group of guys they're not ugly but like it's just weird. I ignore it and we go to where everyone's dancing Charlotte and Izzy start dancing on eachother and I just go solo until I feel someone come from behind me.

"Hello you." I slightly jump then look up to see the person behind me. He's a tall pretty boy one of the boys from the group who were giving me weird looks. Hispanic, edgar, sharp jawline plump lips and that sexy ass little goatee "hi" I say shyly "damn mamas you finna do sum to me looking up at me like that" he smirks  i immediately look down "hey I ain't eva said to stop" he says chuckling. He pushes back up against me "dance mami"
I start to move a little trying to make as little contact as possible until he grabs my waist and pulls my back into his chest. "Hmm" he says then starts grinding me into him. I feel my ass graze his crotch and decide that's enough for me he may be fine but I can't see it because of a certain someone's clouding my mind.

"I'm going to uhm get a drink" I say with a forced smile. "Oh okay I'll join you" he winks and I internally sigh. We walk to the kitchen "what would u like ma" he says getting himself a drink first "ill just have some of the apple juice, thank you" I reply "are you sure? Cmon it's a party" he says "I'm good just apple juice please" I answer he nods then turns his back to me. I decide while he's turned around I should look for my friends who said they wouldn't leave me but I don't see any of them it is crowded though so.

"Here's you're drink" he passes to me then takes a big gulp of his while watching me drink mine.

Antonio's pov.

"So is that all we need to discuss for this evening" our business partner says 'finally' I say in my head. We had just finished a buisness meeting and if I'm being honest? It was not worth skipping a night with olivia. After most people have left it's just me allesandro, Enzo and 2 of our other good friends Igor and Damien . "Do you think she's asleep" I ask allesandro looks up "probably" he responds "hold on who are we talking about here did yall finally bag a girl?" Igor cuts in I sigh "Igor ima be real you talk to much sometimes you need to close-" Damien tries to say before Enzo cuts in "what the fuck." He says standing up "yeah just fucking cut me off." Damien says" what" me and allesandro say simultaneously "did we or did we not say olivia couldn't go to that party?" Enzo says we nod and I slightly get agitated. "Look" Enzo says and shows us his phone in which there's a Instagram story with lots of people in it but you can clearly see olivia in the background with some guy touching her hand. Allesandros jaw vissibly ticks. "Let's go."

Olivia's pov.

After around 10 minutes we had sat down on a couch and I started to get a little more lose. Everything feeling heightened I think the guy from before is talking to me but I don't really understand him or maybe I don't hear him? I don't know I see him look over to his freinds and them smirk at eachother and he grabs my hand "whattt what im here" I say at this point I don't know what im saying it's like my speech has just gone through someone else's subconscious. "Come you need to lie down" he says putting his hand around my waist but lowering it so his hand rests on my ass "what are you doing" i say "shhh, just stay quiet" he replies i for some reason can't even be bothered to respond or use my own brain.

He leads me up some stairs which takes a while since i stumble on every step but eventually we came to a door.

Enzos pov.
We emded up getting to the party in 15 minutes bare in mind its a 40 minute drive. As soon as we got there we could see people making out, people throwing up, people sniffing shit normal party activities we rush inside only to not see olivia on the same couch or anywhere nor the guy, although. I do see one of the freinds olivia hangs with and I think everyone else did too so we walk over to her.

"Where is she" allesandro says sternly she looks back eyes drooped clearly drunk. "Who" she smirks "olivia." I say she 'ohhhs' then rubs her chin "she finna get a treat for real" I look towards Antonio who's clearly getting pissed "where the fuck is she" Antonio says a little loudly "damn she's upstairs relax yo hoe ass" she giggles then turns to down another drink.

We rush towards the stairs taking two steps at a time we go into 3 different rooms unfortunately which did NOT. Have olivia in them then we came up to a different door slightly open and heard Olivia's soft voice.

"Noo stop I don-I don't want too" she says twisting and turning on the bed as he tries to rise her dress even though it's above mid thigh kissing into her neck and her mouth which is what caused her to stutter. "get. The. Fuck. Off. Of. Her." Allesandro says slowly walking towards him. He obviously didn't see us come in since he jumped "who the fuck are you do you not see this room is occupied? Go have your gay sex somewhere else" he replies and goes back to what he was doing. At this point we've all lost it allesandro sends a heavy fist to his cheek making a cracking sound and him falling to the ground just for allesandro to punch him again and again and again "allesandro that's enough he's unconscious" Antonio says I go to grab olivia and she wraps her legs around my waist shoving her face into my chest slightly shaking "fuck." I say. "Well deal with it tomorrow" Antonio says regarding to the weak piece of shit on the floor. We walk out of the room and downstairs olivia still king off shaking in my arms "Enzo?" She whispers I hum in reponse "I'm sorry" she says before going limp.


hiii i honestly hated writing this chapter and I've been procrastinating it because i hate writing shit like this but.🙁

[summary in next chapter for anyone who didn't want to read it.]🙂

New book nearly outtt

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