Chapter 8

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Allesandro's pov.

I wake up today in a good mood from last night, then remember the plan for today and my mood instantly falls.

The buisness dinner we have tonight will be something, at least I won't be alone because Antonio and enzo coming too our fathers are all part of the Italian mafia. My father Antonio and enzos fathers being the don. We will eventually take over for now we have to come to endless meetings and dinner which help or decline in the organisation.

(Just gonna time skip to later😝)

After coming back from gym, I immediately hear my mother yelling in Italian " IL MIO CORSETTO DOV'È IL MIO CORSETTO DAVIDEEE." Her hollers echo throughout the whole house "mama it's okay. I'll find it, after I get ready" she sighs "ahhh allesandro are you ready? you know a little birdie told me there daughter is your age maybe it's time you got a girlfriend" she says winking "mama come on." she sighs again, louder. "Fine just go get ready be downstairs in 30 minutes Dico sul serio" I nod and go upstairs.

I lay out my suit while I jump in the shower
(20 minutes later.) I hop out kind of rushing looking at the time. I slip into my suit and make everything precise and perfect. I walk down the stairs seeing my mum dad and 8 bodyguards around the door. "Come on were late." My dad says, my father hates being late he sees it as unserious. We get in the car with one in front one behind.

While driving I start to notice the route but leave it. As we're getting closer I realise we're near Olivia's house. Olivias house is very large so it's separate to the other houses which are no doubt also large. This has to be a coincidence because Olivia could never be involved in this she's.. too innocent

About 10 minutes later we arrive. At Olivia's, I keep questioning my self asking myself if it's the same house or if I'm tweaking.  I look over and see Antonio and enzo standing near the door with their parents, seeing the confusion in there eyes confirmed I'm not delusional and this is Olivias house.

We all begin moving towards the double doors our fathers in front us behind and mine and enzos mothers behind.

After ringing the doorbell the door opened  almost immediately I couldn't see much infront of my father but I could make out a male most likely Mr  Periera but I wasn't sure I was so lost in thought over us being here, where was she? Is she even here? There's no way she's apart of- Until my thoughts get cut off by a slight nudge and hear "here you can come in and follow my daughter into where we'll have you" our fathers walk forward walking into the large foyer.

Instantly my eyes catch onto.. her she's so much more than perfect. Her eyed widen after seeing us, again. I see her mouth slightly curve then settle again nodding to mr Periera "uhm this way" she says with a smile not looking at us anymore. She leads us into a large dinning room and she tells us to sit where we want besides 2 seats which are reserved, then walks away we sit down and i instantly look at enzo and Antonio, Antonio looks amused but Enzo is just as confused as me.

Mr Periera walks back in holding hands with a woman which I assume is mrs Periera "welcome to our home I hope this can help us respect both families to build us stronger, my daughter is not aware of my line of business so please do not bring it up tonight we can have a meeting shortly after" that explains a lot just then the door opens revealing her with a few maids brining in food. She is so unexplainable beautiful it's hard too even look she walks over to the table looking for a seat to find the only one in between enzo and Antonio with me infront of her, she sighs a sigh of defeat which I silently laugh at and she sits down.

As mains are served mr pereira, my father, mr Bianchi and mr Rossi start a conversation, with dad laughs while the rest of us keep quiet i see Olivia physically tense and still the look towards enzo who's smirking I gotta find out what's going on there i stretch out my legs as my leg brushes Olivia's and she looks at me then back down as she does for the rest of the dinner she's so shy it's adorable.

"Wow we should do this more often" mr Rossi suggests. "Oh gents I would but I have no one to look after the twins" my dad sighs "oh that's fine my Olivia here is used to do babysitting I'm sure she wouldn't mind" mr periera looks toward Olivia almost forcing the word yes out of her as all eyes turn on her "uhm.. yeah, sure I can do that" I see a smirk find it's way on me periera's face "that's great okay well as were all done how about we go for that chat now mr Rossi, mr bianchi and mr Romano." They each nod leaving as the mothers chat leaving us 4.

"Why don't you kids go to the other room?" My mum asks "yes great idea, Olivia go take them to the living room" Olivia's mum says smiling "yeah okay" she looks towards us "come"we all follow her Antonio walking side by side her.

"I didn't know your fathers worked in buisness with my dad" she questions after sitting "neither did we bellissima" I say the room then goes silent until olivia suggests something. "Oh we should play uno" she says excitedly, it's cute. "Yeah for sure" Antonio says, she quickly springs up and goes out the room, I watch as she gets up and realises we're all watching her, she immediately gets nervous. I watch as she pulls her dress down as it rid up while she was sat and it appears enzo and Antonio were too not sure antonio was being normal though.
"God damn." I sigh.

Around 40 minutes later we have played about 6 games of uno to which Olivia has won each and now on her last card "AND 4+ YALL NIGGAS THOUGHHHTT" I let out a chuckle and she quickly covers her mouth and gasps, "I mean..y'all suck" Antonio cackles "I let you win" enzo says shrugging shuffling the cards, "yeah yeah whatever makes u sleep better at-" she gets cut off my a group of deep laughs.

"Alright kids let's leave its 11 sorry we took longer Than expected" "it's 11?" Olivia says tapping her phone. "Yes we should get going" my dad says. I see the mums all heading to the door and our father follow, I turn to Olivia "well I'll see you guys on Monday" she says smiling showing off her dimples. "You definitely will principessa" Antonio says we all stand up and talk while we walk to the door "text us when your in bed, okay?" I say now that we know her family is involved in this sort of business i gotta be extra careful. She nods. "Words cariño" she looks up at me, "yes.. I will." Enzo smiles "good girl". She looks back down.

We eventually leave and I say bye to Antonio and enzo "so Sandro," my mother says suggestively "yes madre" "that girl..Olivia. She was cute wasn't she" my mum says winking. I sigh then chuckle a little.

I need her. We need her
hi y'all......!!!!
So tbf I hated this chapter idk I just feel like it coulda been better but yeah it's ai. I swear the smut is coming😣

My freinds little sister drew that😭 okay I think when u reading this 2 or 3 chapters will be Posted just bc I've been gone a while

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My freinds little sister drew that😭 okay I think when u reading this 2 or 3 chapters will be Posted just bc I've been gone a while.

bye bookies 😛

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