Chapter Ten

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The blue of Amira's dress is much alike to the lake she is sat beside, the sunlight is a soft diffuse glow upon the still waters. The velvet cerulean sky above lay bare not a single cloud canvased it. Her fingers run the soft pages of the book which is resting upon her lap as her eyes wander the writing.

Her mind, of late, has been completely occupied with Rosalyn. Not a single word has been sent from her and Amira feels her worry grow, she had definitely told the girl to write to her so the absence of such letters has began to distress Amira.

The wind flows in the cold crisp air, it sweeps through Amira's hair and crawls the exposed skin of her neck leaving shivers in its wake.

The days have been nothing but the same, Lord Alvi has kept bringing noble suitors for his most precious daughter and Amira has been meeting them, against her happiness. Although many of the kings warrior guards have been leaving the courts, news of vile creatures tormenting the lands have been spreading.

The sound of hooves against grass echoes the air, Amira looks for the sound standing on her feet she puts on her shoes and carries herself out of the gardens. Elegant smells of flowers cling to her clothing as she walks, the book firmly clasped in her hands.

The sun peaked through the ever growing trees, the leaves parting ways for the light to bask upon the ground. Amira felt the warm glare of the sun on her skin,  it felt nice but it did not do much for warming the skin.

Amira opened the door to the training halls and stepped inside, the room is empty except for two men in the corner a lady attending to their injuries. Her stare then moves onto Atlas who is stood beside the swords, a blood soaked his shirt and he had a nasty bruise staining the skin of his forehead.

Absentmindedly she placed her book to the side and rushed over towards her friend.

Grabbing his arm she caught his attention, Atlas looked to her with a defeated stare.

"What happened?" she hastily spoke "You look terrible."

"Thanks I hadn't noticed." Atlas joked back grabbing his stomach from the sudden sharp jab of pain. Amira grabbed his arm to steady him and then sit him down on a nearby bench.

The training hall began to slowly fill up with more injured men.

"You went out on the expedition didn't you?" Amira smacked his upper arm and Atlas yelped as he shuffled to the side rubbing his arm.

"I had to they needed me." he replied quietly.

"You are a king's guard of the courts since when do you leave the court?" Amira snapped she did not like seeing her friends hurt, especially Atlas or Rosalyn having grown up together they all meant a lot to each other.

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