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Everyone arrives and Ladybug takes a breath in order to clear her mind.

"So, why were we called? There isn't a villain," King Monkey asks.

"There is more to being Miraculous holder than fighting and saving the world," Cat Noir says.

"I will explain that in a second, but I want to get a few things out of the way first," Ladybug says.

"Okay," Polymouse says.

"First, I heard what happened at the school and I'm proud of those who saw the truth, and I understand that Lila is good at lying but we need to trust our gut and the things we know," Ladybug says.

"What do you mean?" Minotaurox asks.

"Well, those who know Marinette should know her well enough to remember that she raises other people up, she doesn't tear them down," Bunnyx says.

"Words may lie, but actions tell the truth," Ladybug says.

"Master Fu tell you that?" Cat Noir asks.

"Yep," Ladybug responds.

"We'll remember that for next time," Polymouse says.

"Second, Pegasus has an announcement," Ladybug says.

"I have found a way for EMMA to help us without revealing our identities to each other, but I will need your rings to update them," Pegasus says.

"How is this upgrade going to protect our identities?" Cat Noir says.

"Two ways, first most of us have a fannypack to keep our kwami in, it disappears when we transform into heroes," Pegasus says.

"And the second way?" Vesperia asks.

"The second way is that I had Bunnyx transform and my personal robot could sense a quantum imprint when she was transformed," Pegasus says.

"I'm a little confused," King Monkey says.

"Even though a robot can't see kwamis they detect the magic that effects humans so we don't see each other's secret identities," Ladybug explains.

"So that is how Uncanny Valley was able to tell who we were," Cat Noir says.

"Not to mention the fact that only two of us had Miraculous when we were in New York," Ladybug adds.

"True," Cat Noir says.

"Everyone, give your ring to Pegasus," Ladybug says.

Everyone takes off their rings and gives them to Pegasus for a quick update.

"Now, to answer your question King Monkey, I called you all here because of the latest attack on Marinette, I only saw seven of you protecting her until your classmates convinced you otherwise," Ladybug says.

"But whoever that girl was, she was so good at convincing us that was what really happened," Pigella says.

"Yes, we all wanted to see the good in her, but some of the things she said didn't make any sense," Rena says.

"What do you mean?" Minotaurox asks.

"Vertigo doesn't change ears, when she first told us about it she said it was her left ear, after Ladybug saved her she said it was the right ear," Miss Hound says putting air quotes around saved.

"Miss Hound is right," Rena says looking at her flute.

"I want to try a trust exercise, the one where you lean back and everyone else catches you," Ladybug says.

"But isn't that really a team building exercise?" Polymouse asks.

"Usually, yes, but first you have to trust yourself to lean back," Cat Noir says.

"Cat Noir is right," Carapace says.

Everyone nods.

"Okay everyone, I think Polymouse should go first," Ladybug says.

"Are you sure?" Cat Noir asks.

"Yes, out of everyone here she is the one who has the hardest time trusting others."

Minotaurox helps Polymouse onto a table while everyone else stands behind her.

Polymouse falls back and everyone else catches her.

"Great job Polymouse, who is next?"

After everyone has participated in the exercise Ladybug praises them and ends the meeting.

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