A Third Attempt

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Marinette walks into the school the next day. Everyone except Adrien, Kagami, Felix, Juleka, Sabrina, Alya, Nino, and Alix rush over with angry faces.

"Marinette, what did you text Iris?" Mylene asks.

"What? I didn't text her anything," Marinette says.

"Yes you did, you told me to drop out of school," Iris comes from behind the group.

"I would never text or tell anyone to drop out of school," Marinette defends herself.

"Oh Marinette, you are so jealous that I am trying to become a big fashion designer also, you are trying to get rid of me because I'm better than you," Iris says.

"Really Marinette? You tried to get rid of competition?" Rose asks.

"Do I look like Chloe? I thought you guys were my friends," Marinette runs away dropping the bag in her hand.

"Nino, get that bag and put it in your locker, Sabrina, Alix, and I will go after Marinette," Alya says.

"Kagami, Felix, and I will try to calm the group down," Adrien says.

Nino grabs the bag as the girls run after Marinette.

"Marinette, Sweetie, are you okay?" Marinette's mom asks as her daughter slowly walks into the bakery with her head down.

"I suddenly started not feeling that great, I'm going to go lay down," Marinette lies to her mother as she walks to the back.

"Okay Sweetheart," her mother replies.

Marinette goes up the stairs and to her room to curl up in her bed.

"Are you okay Marinette?" Tikki asks.

"Lila is finally doing it, little by little she is taking my friends, my circle is getting smaller," Marinette cries.

"Marinette, some of your friends are here," Marinette's dad calls.

"Send them up," Marinette allows.

Sabrina, Alya, and Alix enter Marinette's bedroom.

"Nino put the Magicaroons in his locker and is now helping Adrien, Kagami, and Felix calm everyone else down," Alya tells her friend.

"Okay, but what does it matter? That's Miraculous business, Marinette's light is becoming darker," Marinette says still in the fetal position.

"What?" Sabrina says.

"Marinette, your light isn't darkening, you are only seeing the dark because it is getting in your head," Alix responds.

"What?" Sabrina responds.

"Marinette is letting Lila's actions define who she is," Alya explains.

"There must be something we can do," Sabrina says.

"There is," a voice comes from the window.

"Wayzz, what are you doing here?"

"I went back to Nino and he sent me over here because he has an idea about how to stop this attack, but it involves you and Alya," Wayzz says flying over to Marinette.

"Tell us," Alya says.

Wayzz tells the group the whole plan his holder came up with.

"This is brilliant, I knew I chose the right people for my team," Marinette says.

"But in order to make it work we have to transform," Alya says.

"Tikki, spots on," Marinette turns into Ladybug.

"Trixx, let's pounce."

"I just texted Felix about the plan, Sabrina and I will make sure the illusions aren't touched," Alix says as she and Sabrina leave the room.

"Thank you," Ladybug says as she and Rena Rouge head to the balcony.

When Ladybug sees Alix and Sabrina outside the bakery she nods at Rena who is laying on the chair to stay out of sight. Rena makes illusions of Alya and Marinette.

"You stay here, I will follow them," Ladybug says.

Rena nods.

Ladybug uses her yo-yo to follow her allies to the school where Adrien, Kagami, Felix, and Nino are trying to reason with their classmates.

"Apologize Marinette!" the students chant.

"Marinette didn't do anything," Alix says as she and Sabrina walk in front of the illusions.

"She sent Iris mean texts," Rose calls.

"An Akuma!" Ivan yells.

Ladybug opens her yo-yo and catches the butterfly.

"I know that you all know this girl and I have seen what you really think of her," Ladybug says landing on the ground.

"People can change, especially when they are jealous," Iris says.

"Yes they can change, and people can get jealous but all of you know that Marinette doesn't discourage anyone, Juleka what did Marinette do at your birthday party?" Nino asks.

"She stood up to my dad even though it was a misunderstanding," Juleka says and walks over to protect Marinette.

"Ivan, Mylene, who was the person to see past the bottled air?" Alya's illusion asks.

"Marinette," Mylene says as she and Ivan join them in protecting Marinette.

"I may not know everything this girl has done, but the one thing I do know is that she doesn't look like she would ever belittle someone," Ladybug jumps between the two sides.

Everyone on Iris' side walks over to Marinette's side.

"I know that you guys want to apologize to me but let's do it later, we have class soon," the illusioned Marinette says.

After seeing everyone agree Ladybug leaves the scene.

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