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"That was kinda harsh," Nino says.

"I hate having to be harsh to my friends, but sometimes we have to in order to get a point across," Marinette says.

"And it worked," Juleka's voice joins them.

"You believe me?" Marinette asks as they turn around.

"Of course, you are too kind to do something like that. Chloe definitely, but not you," Juleka says.

"Thanks Juleka," Marinette says.

Marinette looks up and sees Su-Han standing on a building across the street.

"You okay Marinette?" Alya asks.

"Yeah, I just need to do something," Marinette says.

"Adrien, are you ready for your next lesson?" Mark comes up.

"Sure," Adrien says.

"Kagami, why don't you and Juleka go help them," Marinette suggests.

"Of course."

Kagami and Juleka follow Adrien and Mark.

"What's going on?" Alya asks when they see the four of them walk onto the soccer field.

"The Celestial Guardian is waiting for me, I need to go," Marinette says.

"I will create a sentimonster so it looks like you are in class," Felix says.

"Good idea, but instead just have Sabrina tell Ms. D that I wasn't feeling well and went to the nurse," Marinette says.

"Got it, you go," Alya says.

Marinette runs into the alley and climbs down into the sewer to change then swings to the roof of the building that Su-Han is waiting on.

"Hello Master," Ladybug says.

"Little Bug, I have watched you for a very long time now and even though you are young, your wisdom is that of an elder," Su-Han says in a matter of fact tone.

"Thank you," Ladybug says wondering if she should take it as a compliment.

"It is time."

"Time for what?"

"It is time for me to leave," Su-Han says.

"What do you mean leave?"

"I am one thousand years old and watched over the Miracle Box for much of that time. But I no longer understand this world, it is time for me to go. I name you the new Celestial Guardian," Su-Han says handing her his staff.

"But, what will I do without you?" Ladybug asks taking the staff.

"The same as you have always done, look to your friends, have them help you protect Paris and the world, good luck Ladybug."

"Thank you and goodbye," Ladybug bows.

Su-Han returns the gesture before hopping away.

Ladybug swings to the bakery to put the staff in her room, she then swings to an alley and climbs down into a sewer to change before returning to school.

Marinette looks at the time on her phone and heads to second period.

"Are you feeling better?" Sabrina asks as Marinette sits between her and Kagami.

"Worse actually," Marinette doesn't lie.

"Do you need to go home?"

"No, that will make it worse," Marinette says.

"Is everything okay?" Kagami asks.

"We should wait until lunch so I can tell the rest of our friends," Marinette says.

Lunch arrives and everyone who knows Marinette's secret gather around a table.

"Nino, can you distract Adrien, I need to talk about something with my other outfit," Marinette asks.


Alya whispers into her boyfriend's ear.

"Got it, no problem. I need some feedback on my newest beat anyway," Nino says walking away from the table.

"So, what happened with the Celestial Guardian?" Alya asks when Nino and Adrien are safely across the cafeteria.

"He left, I'm the new Celestial Guardian."

"What does that mean exactly?" Sabrina asks.

"It means I am the head guardian, he said that since the world has changed the Order must change and therefore I am the new leader."

"That's great, isn't it?" Felix asks.

"Not exactly, it means I have more responsibilities. Iris already has me being so busy on her side, I am going to be busier now, which gives her more ammunition."

"Wait, if it's the plural "Order of the Guardians" wouldn't make sense to share responsibility," Kagami says.

"Yeah but I am the Celestial Guardian, I'm the one in charge," Marinette says.

"Maybe you shouldn't be talking to us about this," Alix says.

"What do you mean?"

"We know everything about you, but some aspects others know better. You fought Monarch since he was Hawk Moth, and there is only one other person who has been with you all that time," Alya explains.

"I have to talk to my kitty," Marinette realizes.

The bell rings.

"I will talk to him after school, I don't want to cause more suspicion," Marinette says.

"Good idea," Sabrina says.

Everyone except Felix leaves. He noticed that Marinette is staring at Adrien.

"Do you need me to handle my cousin after school?" Felix asks.

"No, he has Chinese class, but have Sabrina handle Iris," Marinette says finally getting up.

"Right," Felix agrees.

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