King Midas

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The bell rings and everyone walks out of the classroom.

"I need some alone time with the girls, why don't you go check out the other classes, see if there is something that you want to do later in life," Marinette says.

"Okay, I'm just a text away if you need me," Adrien says walking away.

"What's going on?" Sabrina asks as they follow Marinette to the library.

"I finished the rings and Tikki helped with with the list, I just have to give them to Pegasus," Marinette says.

"Did that building just turn to gold?" A student says looking out the window.

The three girls rush over to the window.

"Everyone get out of here before you get turned to gold!" Cat Noir says landing on an open window.

Everyone runs out.

"What do we do?" Sabrina asks.

"Go find a safe place to transform and meet at the tower, hopefully the others are already there and if not I will figure something out," Marinette says.

Kagami and Sabrina nod then run in different directions.

"Take the rings and list out so Ladybug can give them to Pegasus," Tikki says when they are alone in an alley.

"Good idea," Marinette says taking the rings and list out before transforming and puts them in her yo-yo.

Ladybug swings across Paris to the hideout.

"What do we know?" Ladybug asks walking into the hideout.

"The villain's name is King Midas, he is able to turn people into gold," Pegasus says.

"So I'm guessing we are dealing with Bob Roth," Cat Noir says.

"Affirmative," Pegasus says.

"Where are you Jagged?" King Midas laughs.

"He wants Jagged, how about we send him on a wild goose chase," Ladybug says.

"Who do we need?" Rena Rouge asks.

"Carapace, Purple Tigress, and Jagged," Ladybug says.

"Got it," Rena says before playing a tune.

They watch the screen as the illusions distract King Midas.

"It looks like he turns people to gold with that pen he has," Argos says.

"Then the pen is the akumatised object," Ladybug says.

"What are we supposed to do while you guys go fight?" Minotaurox asks.

"Just stay here and watch, Cat Noir and I need to focus on King Midas, Purple Tigress and Carapace go keep the real Jagged safe, and Vipereon keep watch in case we need a rewind," Ladybug suggests taking her earpiece out of her yo-yo.

"Keep in touch," Cat Noir says putting his in.

The other holders picked for the mission put their own earpieces in.

The two teams head their separate ways.

"Hey King Midas how about something gold?" Ladybug asks as she and Cat Noir replace the illusions.

"You mean you?" King Midas laughs as he points his pen at Cat Noir.

Cat Noir twirls his staff dodging the attacks.

Ladybug throws her yo-yo in the air summoning a lucky charm and receives a guitar.

"We making music?" Cat Noir asks still dodging attacks.

"Yes, hold him off Cat Noir," Ladybug says running away.

Ladybug lands in an alley.

"Rena, get rid of Carapace and Purple Tigress, we need King Midas to think Jagged is alone," Ladybug says.

"Got it," Rena responds and does as instructed.

"Kitty, I'm coming back," Ladybug says.

"Please hurry," Cat Noir says.

"Ladybug, King Midas is coming close to the hotel," Vipereon says watching the screen.

"I trust your judgement, you guide the team with this problem," Ladybug says landing near the hotel.

"Pegasus, teleport Vesperia to the hotel in case we need to paralyze him, Carapace use shelter, his mira-kung fu shouldn't be used," Viperion directs the holders.

"Got it," they all agree.

"Get ready Kitty," Ladybug says throwing her yo-yo and restraining King Midas.

"Cataclysm," Cat Noir says jumping and grabbing the pen from the villain.

The Akuma is released and Ladybug purifies it before returning Paris back to normal.

"Pound it everyone and meet up at headquarters," Ladybug says giving a physical fist bump to Cat Noir.

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