Second Class

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"We should get to the next class," Alya says.

"Where are you going Marinette?" Sabrina asks.

"To the science lab," Marinette says.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Alya asks.

"You're right, maybe the art room, since Jagged found a new producer who also signed Kitty Section I have a lot of designs to work on," Marinette changes her mind.

"I'm going to the art room also," Kagami says.

"You coming Sabrina?" Marinette asks.

"Sure, I have always wondered about art, I've tried to go to the Louvre but Chloe wouldn't let me," Sabrina says.

"Then let's go," Kagami says.

"See you guys later," Alya says as she, Nino, and Felix walk away.

The three girls walk into the art room where Alix and Nathaniel are using spray paint to paint on the blank wall.

Kagami, Marinette and Sabrina sit down at an empty table and Marinette takes out her sketchbook.

"What are you working on Marinette?" Alix asks as she and Nathaniel walk over to their friends.

"Since Jagged's new album is called 'Family Business' I have been having a hard time designing the album cover, I'm starting to think that maybe I lost my touch," Marinette says closing her sketchbook.

"You're not losing your touch, you are just used to creating solo covers like the one you did for the 'Guitar Hero' album," a new voice chimes in.

"Adrien, what are you doing here?" Marinette asks.

"I can't come see how my girlfriend is doing?" Adrien asks kissing her on the cheek.

"Sorry, bad first class," Marinette says as Adrien sits next to her.

"I know, Nino told me," Adrien replies.

"Morning class, I'm Nickoli Pernet, but I prefer Nick," the teacher enters the room.

"I'm the type of teacher who wants to observe the talent you already have before teaching you more, so just do the type of art you would normally do and I will just walk around and observe," Nick says.

Marinette reopens her sketchbook and turns to a blank page.

"Get an idea?" Kagami asks.

"Yes, it may not work for an album cover but maybe a shirt," Marinette says sketching outlines of three people.

"Jagged, Juleka, and Luka?" Adrien asks.

"Yep," Marinette says now sketching the words "Family is everything".

"I like that," Kagami says.

"Me too, but I would definitely send it to our friends to see what they think," Adrien says.

"Right," Marinette says.

"Marinette, you have a great talent, have you thought about being an artist?" Nick says from behind them.

"Not really, my creativity is more on fashion, the only drawing I do is for Jagged Stone albums," Marinette explains.

"Well, as long as you get your art out there that's all that matters," Nick says before walking away.

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