Queen Heartache

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Alix rushes to the bakery.

"Hi Ms. Cheng, is Marinette here?"

"Yes, she said she wasn't feeling well, go on up."

"Thanks," Alix says going into the back and up the stairs.

Alix walks into the housing.

"Maybe she's in her room," Alix says walking to the next level.

Adrien is sitting on the steps that lead to Marinette's room.

"Adrien, what are you doing here?"

"I came to explain to Marinette that what she saw wasn't what happened but she isn't answering."

"Let me try," Alix says walking up the steps.

Before Alix can even knock a huge boom comes from the roof.

Alix and Adrien barge through the door to see that there is a huge hole in the roof.

"Adrien!" Marinette's voice booms through Paris.

"Plagg took your ring to Purple Tigress in case you were the one who got akumatised, I will text her to have him meet us in the alley," Alix takes her phone out.

"No, I know that Marinette won't hurt me, let me be the bait and have Ladybug use her charm when needed," Adrien says.

"Okay," Alix says as they run out of the bakery.

Alix runs into the alley and transforms while Adrien runs towards Marinette.

"This just in, it looks like Adrien Agreste has a new girlfriend," Nadia Chamock reports as a picture of Adrien and Iris kissing pops up over her shoulder.

Marinette is about to punch the big screen but is stopped by a yo-yo.

"Hey Queen Anger, no need to vandalize city property," Scarabella says.

"I am Queen Heartache, I want my boyfriend back," Queen Heartache says.

Adrien walks out in front of Queen Heartache and faces her.

"What's he doing?" Scarabella asks.

"Be careful, it's Marinette," Bunnyx explains landing next to Scarabella.

"So she won't hurt him," Carapace says.

"He has an idea but I think he may need some luck," Bunnyx says.

"Lucky Charm!" Scarabella throws her yo-yo.

A megaphone lands in her hands.

"I will create a portal," Pegasus says before using his power.

Scarabella nods.

"Adrien," Scarabella says going through the portal.

"Scarabella, where is Ladybug?"

"Had a family matter to attend to, but use this," Scarabella gives him the charm.

Adrien nods and takes the megaphone.

Scarabella jumps away.

"Queen Heartache, I know that the girl I love is in there, if she can hear me please listen. I know that what you saw hurt you but the girl I know would get both sides of the story, please resist the Akuma and let's talk," Adrien says into the megaphone.

Queen Heartache closes her eyes and rejects the megakuma.

Scarabella jumps down, opens her yo-yo and captures the Akuma to purify it.

Queen Heartache returns to being Marinette. Adrien gives Scarabella the charm before running to Marinette.


"I'm sorry," Marinette starts crying.

"Miraculous Scarabella," Scarabella throws the charm.

"Marinette Dupain-Cheng, this magical charm will remind you that sometimes things aren't what they appear and we need both sides even when we are hurt," Scarabella gives Marinette a magical charm.

"Thank you," Marinette says taking the charm.

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