A Lethal Dose

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Koga gave me a pompous sneer before pulling out his next Pokeball.

"At least you've taken out one of my Pokemon. I was starting to think you're weaker than you look," he taunted.

I growled, balling my fist. 

"Save the trash talk for after the battle."

He smirked, sensing that he had finally riled me up.

"Send out your next Pokemon," the referee said, looking at Koga.

"Alright then, Muk, you're next," Koga called, sending out the Sludge Pokemon.

Immediately, the stench filled my nose causing me to recoil slightly.

'Damn, you smell it?' Gabite asked, shaking his head. 'Holy shit.'

'I know, what is that thing made out of,' I said back, closing my nose with my fingers and turning away from the smell.

'You know I'm sitting right here,' the Muk responded, glaring at the two of us.

"Battle Begin!" the ref called out.

"Alright Gabite, start with Dig!" I called, trying to use super-effective Ground Type moves to hopefully finish off the Poison-Type quickly.

Gabite immediately burrowed into the battlefield, leaving a cloud of dust in its wake. With Muk's slow speed, Gabite would have an easy time landing hard hits with Dig and other moves.

"Gonna hide are we? Well then, Muk use Harden!" Koga ordered.

The Muk began to glow a little white for a moment before returning to its previous state, indicating that it had increased its defense.

Hurry Gabite, its trying to stall with Harden,' I told Gabite, urging him to dig faster.

"Again, Muk!"

The Muk again used Harden, much to my dismay. Combined with its already high defense statistic, Harden would prove to be a nightmare, even with super-effective Ground Type moves.

'Alright, I'm ready to go on your signal,' Gabite informed, and sensing his Aura, I could tell he was right underneath the Muk.

'Go, now!' I said urgently, not wanting to let Muk get another Harden off.

The Ground beneath Muk began to shake slightly, something that caught Koga's eye. I saw his face light up before uttering one of the stupidest things I had heard in my life.

"Jump, Muk!"

'The fuck? He's lost his shit,' I thought, letting my confused expression show.

Much to my dismay and utter shock, I watched as the chunky purple slime leapt into the air, dodging the Dig attack that had just come out from Gabite a moment after.

"Now, spray down with Poison Gas!" Koga yelled.

"Get out of there, Gabite!" I yelled, seeing that Koga was fishing for a poison on my Gabite. I wasn't going to take that chance, however, I would need Gabite healthy for the next round.

Gabite just managed to dig down in time, dodging the Poison Gas. However, Koga didn't seem to mind.

"Sludge Wave into the hole," he ordered.

I widened my eyes in realization, understanding what he had intended to do. I couldn't damage him physically anymore due to the Hardens, and special attacks wouldn't be possible as Gabite was underground. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26 ⏰

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