Cheese Queen

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Once I was inside of the gym, I was met with a smell of perfume and the color green. Even, the battlefield was covered in grass. At the Gym Leader's side of the battlefield, I saw the Gym Leader.

"Hello there, challenger. I am Erika, and I run this gym. Unfortunately for you, I close my gym in about 30 minutes, and I am not going to be late. So, let's have a deal, if you can finish our battle before I have to leave, I'll give you the badge. If I am late, then you will have to leave and will have to come back here after you've gotten all of the other badges."

I looked at her like she was crazy. If the closing the gym thing was weird, then not battling a challenger because she was a couple minutes late was even worse.

"Alright then, I accept your challenge" I said.

"Good, I will have a timer up there which will have 28 minutes on the clock. This battle will be a 2 on 2, and I am going to send out Gloom as my first Pokemon" Erika said.

The moment Gloom was on the field, the timer started.

"Alright, go Scyther!" I yelled.

"Alright! Battle begin!" called the ref.

"Scyther! Use Fury Cutter!" I yelled.

"Dodge it, Gloom, and use Stun Spore!"

To my surprise, Gloom had some exceptional speed. The Pokemon dodged Scyther and shot a Stun Spore, which paralyzed Scyther.

"Scyther!" I yelled.

"Now, Gloom, use Acid!" Erika called out.

"Scyther! Use Double Team!" I called out in desperation.

Luckily, Scyther managed to use the move and Gloom missed.

"Now use Slash!" I yelled.

Now, I was just trying to get some chip damage in. Scyther was up against terrible odds, and I could tell that Erika was just trying to stall time. I needed to move faster. I looked up at the clock, there were 25 minutes left.

Scyther managed to not get paralyzed, but his speed was severely decreased. 

"Gloom, use Acid again!" Erika called.

I smiled. This was good.

'Scyther. Use Slash on Acid and attack Gloom with Fury Cutter' I said.

Scyther did as told and cut through the Acid without taking damage, then he flew into Gloom and used Fury Cutter, sending the Grass Type flying into a wall.

"Nice job, Scyther!" 

"Gloom! Are you alright!?" Erika yelled.

After the smoke cleared, Gloom was knocked out.

That surprised me. I wasn't expecting the Gym leader's Pokemon to be such pushovers. My fight with Surge had pushed my Pokemon to their limits, but Scyther managed to beat her Gloom with just a couple attacks.

Then, I understood why. Erika didn't care about battling, she only cared about her stupid perfume shit. She never trained her Pokemon to be the best that they could be. She might be a good entreprenuer, but she's a pretty inept trainer.

"Gloom is unable to battle, Scyther wins!" the ref called.

"Return, Gloom" Erika said with a huff.

"You, too Scyther" I said as I returned the Bug Type.

'She sucks' Pikachu said.

'I know, right. Maybe we should've come to this Gym last' I said with a chuckle.

I then pulled out Charmeleon's Pokeball. Based off of Gloom's performance, whatever Pokemon Erika had up next wasn't going to be too much of a challenge. I looked up to see the time left, I still had 19 minutes.

"Send out your next Pokemon" the referee told Erika.

"Alright, go Weepinbell!" she said.

"Come on out, Charmeleon!" I called out.

Once Charmander saw his opponent, grew a devilish smile. A Grass Type, perfect for some warm up.

"Battle begin!" the ref called.

"Alright, Charmeleon, Flamethrower!" I said.

Charmeleon sent out a powerful Flmathrower with literally blasted into Weepinbell before it could dodge. Once the smoke cleared, Weepinbell was still standing, without a scratch.

"Wh-What?" I stuttered out.

Erika smirked.

"Weepinbell's a little bit special you see. It can store berries inside of it. No matter what you do, Weepinbell will just heal up like nothing happened, and by the way, you only have 17 minutes left."

This was her plan.

The fucking diva. Her whole plan was to just stall time with her Gloom until she could bring her Weepinbell out and just wait it out. But there's no way that stupid Pokemon had hold enough berries to stall me for 16 minutes.

Weepinbell probably knows Poison Powder and Sleep Powder. Those moves will also stall for a while. I need to take out that Pokemon before I lose to this excuse of a trainer.

'Don't stop Charmeleon. Keep attacking Weepinbell and be cautious for any attacks like Sleep Powder. I need a couple minutes to come up with a plan.' I told my Pokemon.

I knew that Charmeleon could handle fighting on his own. His battle sense was better than that of many trainers.

So, I began to think. Then, the thought finally hit me. If Weepinbell's berries were inside of it, wouldn't an attack into its mouth destroy the berries?

'That might just be it' Pikachu said.

I looked at the clock, 7 minutes. I had no choice now.

'Okay, so distract Weepinbell with a Flamethrower, then while it's eating the berries, jump over it and send a Dragon Rage into its mouth' I told Charmander.

The Fire Type gave me an incredulous look, but did as he was told.

He sent a Flamethrower towards Weepinbell. Once it hit and the smoke covered the Pokemon, Charmeleon jumped in, and I heard an explosion.

While everyone else was waiting for the smoke to clear to find out what happened, I got my message.

'Hit complete'

I smiled.

The smoke cleared and Charmeleon was standing on top of a knocked out Weepinbell. 

"Weepinbell is unable to battle, Charmeleon wins. And so, Ash Ketchum wins the battle!" the referee called.

"Nice job, Charmeleon!" I said as I patted the Fire Type's head.

Erika walked over to me with a scowl.

I look at the time, 3 minutes left to spare. I smirked at her just to piss her off. I knew she couldn't do anything. The referee was right there, and she couldn't refuse to give me the badge.

"I now present to you the Rainbow Badge" Erika said and quickly walked off.

Misty walked over to me.

"Nice job, Ash! You guys were amazing!" she said. Then, she narrowed her eyes. "What was her problem?"

"Perfume" I answered.


A/N: Boom 2 chapters in a day. Im going to update the Pokemon High School Chpater tomorrow it's 10:30 lol. Hope you enjoyed 1050 words cyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

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