Battle vs Brock

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When Ash finally finished the training of his Pokemon, he gave them to Nurse Joy and went to go get some lunch.

As he was eating, he thought about what kind of strategy he would need to defeat Brock. Poliwag was water type so he could use that to his advantage. Pidgeotto would have to be his other choice. Even if it was newly caught, his other Pokemon would have a much harder time, other than Gible who was Ground Type. With his decision in mind, he finished his food and paid.

He then walked back to the Pokemon Center to get his Pokemon. When he got back, he saw Leaf and Yellow in the main lobby.

When the two caught sight of Ash they ran over and punched him.

"OW! Why'd you do that?!" Ash exclaimed indignantly.

"For leaving without telling us. We thought you got kidnapped or something" Yellow said.

"I literally woke you up and told you I was going to the park to train with my Pokemon" Ash said shaking his head.

"You did?" Yellow asked sheepishly.

"Yeah" Ash answered in a 'duh' voice.

"Oops" Yellow said and cringing at the glare Leaf was giving her.

"Anyway, I'm here to get my Pokemon. You guys wanna watch my gym battle?" Ash asked.

"Of course" Leaf replied "let's go!"

Time skip brought to you by our favorite yellow rodent who might join our raven haired friend soon

Ash and the girls walked up to the doors of the gym and pushed them open.

"Hello? Anybody here? I'm here for a gym battle. Please don't tell me this gym's closed too" Ash said as they walked into the dark gym.

Suddenly, the lights turned on. Actually, one spotlight turned on.

"Hello, challenge- OH MY GOD" The gym leader ran over to Leaf and Yellow and tried to flirt with them.

"Aren't you the guy who was asking out Nurse Joy yesterday?" Ash asked confused.

"Um, yes. My name's Brock" the guy said.

"Ash. I'm here for a gym battle" Ash replied.

"Okay, then. Let's get started. Don't worry my angels, I will be back shortly" Brock said with hearts in his eyes.

"We're taken dumbass!" Yellow yelled at him.

"What, no! Whyyyyy?!" Brock cried.

Ash sweatdropped and walked to the Challenger side of the battlefield. He pulled out Poliwag's Pokeball figuring it would be best that he fight freely without the burden of being the last Pokemon on his head.

Brock slowly walked to his side of the field.

A boy who looked like Brock acted as referee.

"This is a 2v2 battle between Gym Leader Brock and Challenger Ash. Trainers, send out your first Pokemon" the boy said.

"Alright then, go Geodude!" Brock called out throwing a Pokeball.

'A Geodude. Maybe sending out Pidgeotto is a good idea. She can easily take out a Geodude' Ash thought to hinself and pulled out Pidgeotto's Pokeball.

"Alright Pidgeotto, I choose you!" Ash called out using that call out for the first time in his life.

"PIDGEOTTO!" Pidgeotto screeched and flapped her wings, showing off her beautiful feathers.

"GEO" Geodude roared back eager to fight the flying type.

"The challenger gets the first move" the referee said.

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