The Hidden Village

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Ash and PIkachu made their way into the forest and sat down at a rock.

"I think he's right" Ash said scaring the shit out of Pikachu.

Seeing Pikachu's expression, Ash quickly corrected himself.

"I mean, I think we need to capture another Pokemon. A grass, rock, or ground type. Something that will help us and will give us a type advantage. 50/50s are not my kind of deal."

'I guess you're right, but what Pokemon are you going to catch? It's not like a Sewaddle is going to help you much' Pikachu responded looking around.

"Maybe not" Ash agreed "But let's just walk around and see what our options are."

So, together the duo walked around the forest but didn't find anything that was Grass Type. Discouraged, they decided to take a break near a rock.

As they sat down and drank some water, they saw some rustling in the bushes. Slowly, Pikachu and Ash crept forward, too tired to even think straight.

Then, an Oddish jumped out of the bush and ran past them.

"That's our guy. Don't let him get away" Ash told Pikachu. He nodded and ran after the Weed Pokemon, (lol) while Ash ran after them trying to keep up. He had an idea and decided to try it. Using his aura, he powered up his shoes and started to feel himself getting lighter. When he looked down, his feet were off the ground. He smirked and shot off like a train following the 2 Pokemon.

Ash quickly realized while using Aura to travel was fast, it also drained a good amount of his energy. Since he was already tired to begin with, he knew he had to stop soon. Right as when he was about to stop his Aura, he came upon a cottage. It was in the middle of nowhere with a stream running by it and was surrounded by Pokemon.

Pikachu was there, conversing with one of the Pokemon there, who was telling him about some girl who helped them. Ash became intrigued and walked to the cottage. He knocked on the door and waited. After a few moments, a pretty girl with blue hair opened the door.

Geez, genes these days

"Oh, hello" the girl said startled. She quickly composed herself and greeted her visitor.

"I'm sorry, I don't usually get many visitors. My name is Melanie" the girl said.

"I'm Ash" Ash said offering his hand for a handshake. "My Pikachu and I were walking around the forest and we're kind of lost. We also followed your Oddish because we thought it was wild Pokemon."

"Oddish isn't my Pokemon. None of them are. Most of the Pokemon here are ones which are either suffering from ilnesses or injuries. I try to help them the best I can" Melanie responded.

"That's cool, how come there are so many Pokemon, though? Not all of them can be suffering from something" Ash asked.

"Some of those Pokemon help me. Some act as guards, other help me treat the Pokemon. It's really beautiful seeing all of them come together" Melanie said sighing.

"Well, do you know the way back to Vermillion City?" Ash asked.

"VERMILLION CITY?!" Melanie yelled. "That's almost 2 hours away!"

"What!? There's no way we were walking for that long" Ash said scratching the back of his neck.

Outside, a yell was heard. Ash and Melanie rushed outside and saw a dozen people in the same gray uniforms and big Rs.

"You guys again" Ash growled. "Aren't you tired of your idiocy yet?"

"We're not. All we want is all of the Pokemon here. Just give them to us and we will be on our way." The one in the front, who seemed to be their leader said, smiling.

"So you agree that you're idiots. Glad we can see eye to eye on something" Ash said smirking and drew out his Pokeballs.

The Team Rocket grunts did the same while the Pokemon present started to back away while a Bulbasaur, Butterfree, and a Houndoom stepped forward, ready to defend their comrades.

Houndoom howled so loud that the entire forest could hear. Ash realized it was to call other Pokemon so that they could help them.

Ash let out his own Pokemon.

Poliwag, Charmander, Gible, Scyther, and Pidgeotto came out and got ready to fight.

The grunts sent out their Pokemon and brought out nets.

"Charmander, Flamethrower! Gible, Dig!" Ash yelled.

Charmander sent a blast of fire at the opposing 12 Raticates while they rushed at Charmander. Houndoom then added it's own flames which helped knock out 2 Raticates and injure 1. Gible took that as a good oppurtunity and jumped out of the ground. It dealt a massive hit to the weakened Raticate, knocking it out.

Scyther and Pidgeotto flew above the enemy Pokemon with Butterfree. With a Sleep Powder and Poison Power, all of the Raticates were either asleep or poisoned. Bulbasaur, Pikachu, and Poliwag attacked, taking out all of the remaining Raticates.

"You dumb twerp. Go fuck off" the leader said amd ran off, embarrassed.

Ash looked at Melanie and told her his goodbye. On the ground, Bulbasaur was looking up at him.

'Please take me with you. I want to be able to battle. I yearn for it, please let me come' the Grass Type starter asked.

Ash looked and Melanie who understood the situation.

"Sure. I guess you can come" Ash said the Pokemon.

Melanie gave Ash a weird look but didn't prod.

"I'll miss you Bulbasaur. Take care and please visit me again" she said and gave Bulbasaur a hug.

Ash then held out a Pokeball and Bulbasaur tapped it, and went inside. Once it captured, the ball disappeared.

"I'll get him once I get to Vermillion City. Which way is that again?"

A/N: Thats the chapter hope you liked it. 1000 words gtg will update sooner next time

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