Inside the dream, I found myself in the middle of an open, wide ocean that was calm without any waves. Looking around, I was confused, realizing that I was inside a dream my normal dream turned into a lucid one.

As someone who had experienced lucid dreams before, I knew that by focusing my mind, I could make anything possible. So, I focused all my attention and imagined myself flying. Suddenly, I found myself soaring above the ocean, and it was an incredible feeling. However, I also had a strange sense of discomfort throughout the whole experience.

Then, a gigantic whirlpool appeared in the middle of the ocean, even bigger than the one in Pirates of the Caribbean. I felt shivers down my spine, but the thing that scared me more was that I couldn't wake up at all. Before, I always could force myself to wake up but this time it didn't work.

Then, from that huge whirlpool, a huge tentacle emerged grabbing me and pulling me into the sightless depths. I screamed, desperately trying to wake up but nothing worked. The deep ocean and its powers always scared me to the bone such force was not to be messed with.

As the tentacle pulled me down, I was engulfed in darkness as huge bodies of water hit me from all sides.

Then I woke up.

I was in an open cosmos surrounded by stars, planets, and colorful palettes that shone brightly before me. It was a breathtaking sight that I couldn't believe was real. At first, I thought it was just a dream and tried to use my imagination to escape, but it was to no avail.

"Welcome, mortal." 

An unpleasant voice spoke behind me, scaring me shitless. Quickly turning around I saw a sight that only could be seen inside the comical horror written by Lovecraft himself. A bizarre entity flew above me, I could only describe it as multiple giant eyes surrounded by green mists. 

"I assure you, mortal, there's no need to fear as I have no intention of harming you

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"I assure you, mortal, there's no need to fear as I have no intention of harming you. My purpose is to assist you in transitioning to your next life. Your soul has bid farewell and successfully departed from your previous body," several voices spoke in unison, their tones sounding deep and raspy.

I couldn't process what was going on. Not a single word could leave my lips. My body froze from pure fear of the unknown - the strongest and oldest kind of emotion. 'What the hell is happening?' is the only thing I could think of at the moment. The next moment, the same voices spoke yet again."

"You died in your sleep by the gas leak inside your home. You were in the middle of lucid dreaming when your soul left your body. When a soul dies inside a lucid dream, we have to take control and guide it next."

Before I could think of my answer, the voice spoke yet again, "As for living your life as sinless as possible, I hereby should grant you the option of three wishes." The eyes blinked all at once as they fixated on me.

My fear mysteriously vanished as my mind became clear, probably the entity probably had something to do with it. Gulping, I had a million questions inside my mind. "Excuse me, but may I know your name?" I asked with a bit of doubt.

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