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It was a day like any other in my boring life, though finally the weekend came allowing me to rest from my job for two days. I'm a simple man I work, sleep, and play games like any other person.

I'm a sucker for love and relationships in general, so I never bothered chasing women or approaching them. Gaming and reading always provided me with a strong sense of comfort, where I could cast all my worries aside and venture into the world of the unknown.

Over time games eventually became more boring for me, except for a few older ones that I used to play. The only things left for me were reading books and watching anime, series, or movies.

One day, when I found a nice-looking anime, Danmachi, I quickly grew interested in the series until I finally managed to watch it. With each episode, my attention grew making it a perfect anime for me.

A fantasy world of dungeons and monsters, coupled with a skill-like system, filled the empty gap inside my heart. A gap that screamed for adventure in my life, to experience something new and explore the unknown. Eventually, I became interested enough to try reading the Danmachi light novels for the first time.

Light novels were even better than the anime, with an amount of detail and emotion that couldn't be captured in just twelve episodes per season. After finishing all the volumes, I wanted to start actively reading books, and for that I needed a genre that interested me.

The first book I read was some science fiction about people in the future who discovered what happens after death. To my knowledge the book is called Ubik. It was a pretty nice book, definitely something new for me since I'm not a big science fiction fan.

A couple of months passed until I decided to go shopping at the bookstore in my city. Without any idea of which book to buy, I just wanted to explore and maybe find something that sparked my interest.

And that's what I found.

On one bookshelf in the store, there was a thick, black book standing alone among all the others. Extending my arm, I grabbed the book only to see its name, Necronomicon.

Somewhere, I could swear that I'd heard about the book, but my memory wouldn't help me remember it. Taking the book, I slowly opened the pages and saw black lines between each page, appreciating such a cool-looking detail.

For some weird reason, I felt a connection between me and this book. Without a single idea of its genre, I approached the cashier and paid roughly $30 for it. Giving the last bits of my money before the next paycheck, I sighed and ventured back home eager to start reading such a mysterious-looking book.

Page after page, I began to understand the concept of it. It's a fictional horror written by H.P. Lovecraft ages ago, a compilation of horror stories involving comical horror and a bunch of bizarre creatures.

At first, I was a bit skeptical thinking it would probably be boring for me to read. But the book proved me otherwise as I started reading my interest sparked, making me read the entire book in two weeks.

I gathered knowledge about creatures called Old Gods, the most known of them being Daemon Sultan Azathoth, a god who created the whole universe of the Cthulhu Mythos. He's a primordial God who sleeps for eternity, and it is said that if he ever wakes up an entire existence would blink out entirely.

Then there is the most famous being among all of them, a Cthulhu. Many games and stories were made about this cosmic entity, he looks like a giant octopus humanoid monster with wings on his back. He resides inside his sunken city of R'lyeh and it is said that he, just like Azathoth lies in deep slumber.

Honestly, I don't know what's about Old Ones and their passion for sleeping, but all these stories sound cool enough to spark my imagination. Closing my book, I placed it on the table and closed my eyes to dive into dreamland.

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