Chapter 3

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Friday comes quickly.

Namjoon gets several messages from Jungkook asking if he's sure he's coming, but nothing about the almost kiss, which, in hindsight, he thinks is best that they just sweep under the rug anyway.

Pretend like it never happened, Namjoon.

There were also some from Jimin asking what he was planning on wearing. He looks at the messages from Jungkook first, wanting to make sure he's okay and good to go.


You still coming, right?


Yep, still going

just got out of work so might be a little late

Hopping in the shower now


as long as u show up

thanx hyung 😊


You dont need to thank me kookie

see u there 😉

He's still smiling as he hops in the shower, letting the heat of the water relax his body and calm his thoughts. He thinks back to Wednesday night.

Would he have gone through with it and kissed him back? He's not sure, but it has him feeling like a schoolboy with a crush. He starts to wonder how Jungkook would feel, taste, etc.

He shakes himself out of his thoughts, feeling himself blush. Namjoon knows that if he keeps with that line of thinking, it will most definitely lead him to get there later than he already is, so he does his best to wash up as quickly as possible. He hopes he doesn't arrive at the party too late, not wanting to make Jungkook wait longer than necessary.

As much work as he has left to do for school and his dislike for parties, he still wants to be there for Jungkook and ensure he's okay. Namjoon knows it takes a lot for Jungkook to get out of his shell, so for him to want to go to a party—even if it's his friend's—is a big deal for Jungkook. He's been more outgoing lately, and Namjoon is proud of him for it.

Once he's done showering, he steps out of the shower and wraps a towel around his waist. He brushes his teeth, wanting to feel as fresh as possible after a long work day. He glances at himself in the foggy mirror, wiping the condensation away, and runs a hand through his wet hair.

He stares at his face and sees dark circles around his eyes from a restless sleep, but it's nothing a little makeup can't fix. When he steps back into his bedroom, he hears his phone buzz with unread messages from Jimin.


hey! Make sure to dress up a bit.


I bet jungkookie's going to look all pretty for you 😉

Namjoon feels his face warm up as he reads the message, but tries to play dumb anyway.


Why would he do that?


Don't play dumb. you know he has a crush on you and

You love our jungkookie

Jimin has the uncanny ability to sniff out lies, so he ignores him in an attempt to stop his teasing.

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