Chapter 6

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"Can we talk?" Namjoon lowers his hand from Jungkook's cheek and lets it slide down his arm, finally clasping their hands together. Jungkook nods as he squeezes his hand and leads them to his room for some privacy.

They walk into Jungkook's dimly lit room. Only a bed, a chest of drawers, and a desk fill the space. He has Marvel posters on the left side of the wall, above his desk. His bed is against the right wall, a nightstand against it where a lamp sits on top, emitting a warm glow.

They sit on his bed, facing each other, and for the first time since everything happened, Namjoon wants to open up and tell Jungkook everything. His past with his ex, his feelings for Jungkook, his insecurities...

Namjoon swallows hard and takes a deep breath because, as much as he wants this, it's still scary as hell.

"First of all, I'm sorry about everything—about the party, pushing you away, and I'm sorry about questioning you about your new girlfriend and I—" he spits out in one breath. Jungkook lets out a surprised laugh. Namjoon stops his rant, wide-eyed and dumbfounded, and scrunches his face in confusion. "What's so funny?"

"Hyung," he says, trying to stifle his giggling. "She's my project partner for a photography class," his laughter bubbles out of him, breaking the tension in the room. His eyes are sparkling with mirth, and Namjoon just stares. He stares because Jungkook looks the most beautiful when he laughs, so free of worries. "We're working on a project together. She's not my girlfriend."


"Yea, she stopped by last minute to drop off her photos."


Namjoon's face warms up with embarrassment. He feels like such an idiot.

Oh my God, he feels so stupid.

"Were you jealous?" Jungkook teases as he draws his knees to hug them to his chest. He's grinning as the tips of his ears turn red. His grin broadens at Namjoon's widening eyes, telling him all he needs to know.

Namjoon balks, face warming up at being called out. "No!"

And Jungkook giggles because he's missed Namjoon so much. His nose scrunches up, his front teeth on display. "Okay, hyung," he says doubtfully.

"...Okay, maybe just a little," Namjoon finally admits sheepishly. He wants to be honest with Jungkook and honest with himself.

He's tired of running from his feelings and wants to feel love again. Even if it might hurt. Even if it might not work out. Even if it's scary.

Namjoon owes it to Jungkook to try. He owes it to himself. He wants to let that seed in his heart bloom into something beautiful. Something warm and safe, and he can't do that if he keeps hiding and denying it.

Namjoon's heart can't help but swell in his chest, butterflies dancing in his stomach. "I-I have some explaining to do, huh."

"Hyung, just...just tell me," Jungkook's voice shakes.

He can see the nerves rattling through Jungkook's body, and he feels guilty for putting him through all this. Jungkook's lips tremble, and he covers his hands with his sleeves, making cute little sweater paws. He curls up into a ball, clutching his knees to try to get them to stop shaking.

Namjoon feels that the space between them is far too wide, so he moves closer to him on the bed, reaching to take Jungkook's shaky hands in his.

"I've been an idiot," he starts, and Jungkook snorts. Namjoon narrows his eyes, attempting to look threatening, and Jungkook grins. "Brat," Namjoon quips and then flicks Jungkook's arm lightly. He sighs and starts again as he rubs nervously on Jungkook's hands with his thumbs.

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