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Max: 『 Everyone, just carry the basics!!! Forget about furniture, souvenirs or anything else that is not essential!!! Just some food, clothes and also a few blankets!!! 』

The villagers of the colony went from one place to another, entering and leaving their houses carrying as much as they could in their arms, loading it onto the two cargo carts that were available, and although we ordered them to carry only the essentials, there were those who didn't comply the orders.

Max: 『 Mrs. Kappel, what do you think you're doing?!!! 』

Mrs. Kappel: 『 B− But, they're my husband's things! Here I have his memories of when he was still with me. 』

Max: 『 That box is too big to put in the car. You can't bring it. 』

Mrs. Kappel: 『 Please, it's the only thing I have left of him! I−If necessary, I will carry it myself−! 』

Max: 『 If you carry it, you will be left behind in the group. I can't let you that. 』

No matter how much the poor old lady insisted, Max wouldn't grant her whim. We barely had space for so many things in two miserable food carts pulled by lazy donkeys.

Everyone was baffled by the evacuation. It was too difficult for them to suddenly have to part with their things and their homes. Everything they worked and strived for, what they did with so much effort to achieve it, for which they had great esteem and pride.

The love letters of a young couple, the wooden horse of a little child, the portrait of a deceased father, the cane that a husband left for his beloved, the rag doll of a sweet girl; Even though it was very painful, everyone had to leave something behind, even us.

Max: 『 Mrs. Kappel, I already told you, you can't...! Huh? 』

At the entrance to the colony, some quadrupedal silhouettes appeared, trotting among the residents and coming towards us. Several looked at them in amazement, some as if it were the first time. They were Tzar and Snel, they had returned to the castle alone, with their saddles empty and stained with blood. Their pupils were very dilated and they were breathing quite agitatedly, something or someone caused them to get scared and run away.

Shun: 『 Hey, you're back! It's good to see you're alright! 』

Max: 『 Shun, this blood... 』

Shun: 『 Yes, probably it could be that. 』

Max: 『 God! What happened out there? 』

("BOOM!!!"). Without warning, a loud bang echoed near where we were. It was like a rewind of the previous scene. A huge rock bullet covered in flames pierced the subwall that separated the colony from the military school, rolling into the crop fields and creating a huge hole in the foundations of the thick fence.

It completely ruined the crops, leaving a trail of black ash in the middle of the earth, until it ended its journey when it landed in the canal, completely drowning its flames.

The loud noise upset the horses, making them neigh and jump. We calmed them to prevent them from fleeing. Another projectile like that and they would run away. We couldn't let them leave, we needed their help to pull the carts.

People were also alarmed and petrified seeing the damage caused by the large rock. Such an image caused them to be distracted and unfocused on carrying the necessary supplies to leave on the trip.

Max: 『 Don't get distracted!!! We have to get out of here quickly!!! FASTER PEOPLE, FASTER!!! 』

The people came to their senses and hurried again. For our part, we took the saddles off the horses and tied them to the carriages along with the donkeys, so perhaps they would be motivated to move the large piles of things. I was just worried that Snel wouldn't be able to do it with his present injury.

Soul Nexus. Volume 1: Before DawnOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz