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"DING, DONG, DING, DONG, DING, DONG ..." We had barely come down from the roofs and taken the road to the castle when the church bells began to ring a resounding sound throughout the capital.

Max: 『 ¡Ah! ¡Crap! ¡Now we are late! 』

We could now say goodbye to our permit to go out to town again. We would end up confined to collecting tons of horse excrement forever. But, if that were the case, I thought that at least I could bother Lidia to not get bored.

As we ran along the long stretch that separates the town from the castle, I could see something that didn't wait for its arrival. A line of horse-drawn carts entered one by one through the gigantic doors of the main entrance. Each one had the same pattern: A single rider, two white horses and a wooden pinion body inked with decorative carvings on its door.

Max thought it was a joke and that I was still fantasizing inside my head as soon as I told him. However, when I pointed out the caravan, he stopped scolding me and remained silent when in doubt about what was happening.

He thought for a while. Just like me, he was curious to know why a group of carriages had suddenly arrived at the castle. I must emphasize that, unlike me, he is not enthusiastic about finding out things he considers trivial or a "waste of time". He only focuses on what is important and crucial, on completing tasks, and not disobeying orders to avoid punishments. Nevertheless, this managed to capture his attention and awaken his dormant curiosity.

Then he spoke again, posing a surprising question, which he probably found annoying to have and was eager to get rid of as soon as possible.

Max: 『 What do you think this is about? 』

Shun: 『 Huh? Are you really asking me? Who would have thought; For once something piqued your curiosity. 』

Max: 『 Ah. Forget it, it was dumb asking you. 』

Shun: 『 Okay, don't get mad. I'll help you. 』

I analyzed the situation a bit more as we continued running. My brain processed all the available data I had up to that point, which included a bunch of identical carts, all pulled by white and dapple-gray horses, and adorned with a strange engraving that wasn't entirely clear due to the distance and movement. Moreover, no one informed us about their arrival, and we were sent to buy a strange artifact at the time of their arrival. Then I realized it, the possible connection the aquastone could have with the situation.

As we got closer, that engraving on the carriages became more clearly visible: undulating lines intersecting several times, framing the figure of a quite defined swordfish. Honestly, I only knew illustrations of this type of animal. Our country is far from the coast, so I have never seen one in person, but one thing I knew was that its crest was not as steep as the one on that wooden plate.

There was only one creature like that in the world, and it couldn't be anything other than one of the so-called "Mabeasts", ancestral beings that, since before the beginnings of human civilization, have inhabited the world and always served as guardians of some emblematic place in nature, from a forest full of rare plant species to a mountain where strange caves with precious minerals are formed.

These creatures are of considerable size, very similar to normal animal species, with some notable differences that give them a distinctive appeal. What's most terrifying about them is they can use mana to attack and defend their domain.

Many places show their respect and admiration for these beings, even forming cults for their worship. And if there's a place where a creature identical to a gigantic and imposing swordfish with a massive crest is worshipped, guarding the Northern seas, it could be none other than...

Soul Nexus. Volume 1: Before DawnWhere stories live. Discover now