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While Lidia's birthday party was still going on in the grand dining room, I had to find a way to get into the armory without being seen. Shun was crazy to send me there. We both knew that robbing the royal guard was a serious crime; it was suicide. I can't believe I let him convince me so easily. I must remember to ask for something in return that is worth it; just hitting him wouldn't be enough.

Although he had his own reasons for asking me, the two of us were the only ones able to move around the castle buildings without being discovered. Perhaps the places where we had the least experience were inside the palace and the military school, for obvious reasons.

In itself, we call 'castle' all the buildings inside that great perimeter wall that surrounded the entire land owned by the kings. Of course, the first thing you see at first glance is the palace, inside which are the main rooms, the library, the kitchen, the family arbor (apart from the grand dining room, which is more of a large lobby for parties, there was a second dining room used for daily dinner) and many other rooms that I don't know about. On the other hand, there were the attached buildings that ranged from additional bedrooms, a private wine cellar, the mini amphitheater, and the bathtub.

Just behind it is the enormous central garden, jealously hidden by an internal fence of polished black stone, with several arches that imitate the shape of an aqueduct and give entrance to it. Full of endemic and exotic flora, trees full of abundant fruit, very well-pruned bushes, smooth and soft grass, and even a river of crystal-clear water that overflows into a pond with picturesque fish. It was almost like a second world.

And speaking of worlds apart, once again, another fence of much greater height and thickness separated the garden from the military school, which was more of a boarding school where cadets and some senior army officers learn and train their skills in fields such as fencing, blacksmithing, nursing, swimming, a little about mana management and finally horse riding, which is why the stable was so close to the secondary military zone.

Likewise, that auxiliary area where Shun and I work is divided by another internal wall. Located to the southeast, just a few meters to the right of the palace. This area also has some buildings that serve the same purpose as the military school but dedicated to military training with horses, precisely the horses we care of. Technically, we work for the military and that is why we know people from there.

Finally, there is the workers' residential at the northeast end, divided by thick and high walls that enclose where all the castle employees live, including us. It was to hide the place that completely contrasted with the other important parts of the castle, much less organized and worse preserved.

 It was to hide the place that completely contrasted with the other important parts of the castle, much less organized and worse preserved

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All these areas make up the castle. And although they are separated, there are internal paths that unite them, except for the workers' residence, of course. It is so big that it is easy to get lost in it.

Returning to my mission, I had to go to the armory before the evening was over, but I was all the way to the North, at the military school. For nothing in the world, would I risk going through a place full of soldiers trained to reprimand and kill criminals.

Soul Nexus. Volume 1: Before DawnWhere stories live. Discover now