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Lidia moved her hands and fingers at a distance, directing that enormous winged figure made of water emanating from the aquastone, making it spin around and fly over the spectators. It was as if it had a life of its own. It soared up to the glass dome on the ceiling, spreading its wings high above, and the water particles burst into dispersion, gently sprinkling everyone in glowing droplets that looked like small blue crystals falling slowly.

The audience was amazed, and applause and praise immediately followed Lidia, who remained absorbed in the middle of the hall, staring in astonishment with her shining eyes as the particles vanished around her. The praise continued, but she remained lost in contemplation of what she had achieved. When she came back to her senses, she realized that everyone was loudly applauding; she bowed to all present and stepped off the stage, returning to her seat, looking tired and relieved at the same time.

King Van Laar: 『 Thank you very much for your recognition of my daughter. It's gratifying to know that the demonstration was to your liking... Continuing with tonight's itinerary, I will ask the orchestra to resume delighting us with their music to begin the waltz. Of course, everyone is invited to come to the center and participate. Without further ado, let's begin. 』

Once again, the guests applauded, and the musicians started playing their melody to call all the guests to participate in the dance in the uncovered center of the grand dining hall. One by one, the couples began to fill the space and started moving around with such smooth and synchronized movements that it seemed as if they were emulating each other, so precise and exact.

Queen Mireya: 『 ¡Oh, Lidia! My dear Lidia, I am proud of you! 』

Lidia: 『 M−Mother, you are squeezing me a little hard. 』

The queen, who was practically in the background most of the time, hugged her daughter, sitting tired, to congratulate her individual achievement. Contrary to the king, who remained as skeptical as ever, monitoring from his throne the couples on the dance floor and the other people who were still sitting at their tables, having only eyes so as not to lose sight of what was happening in front of him.

Young Tikalt Officer: 『 Excuse me, your highness... 』

One of the young guests, uniformed in that ultramarine gala suit full of medals, stood in front of the queen and the princess, leaning back to bow and extending his hand covered with a white glove, making an invitation to Lidia.

Young Tikalt Officer: 『 Would you grant me this piece? 』

Lidia: 『 A−Ah, I'm sorry. I'm not used to dancing. 』

Queen Mireya: 『 What are you saying, Lidia?! Go on! Have some fun! 』

Doubtful about whether to really do it or not while her mother pushed her, Lidia ended up accepting the invitation of who, surely, was one of her suitors on the waiting list for her. Lidia left her seat at the little time she had to rest and the young man took her hand warmly. She was brought to the epicenter of the great hall so that she immediately became the center of attention in the midst of everyone.

The young soldier began the routine first without announcing: 1, 2, 3; 1, 2, 3; left, right, left, right; one step forward and one step back. Lidia had a hard time getting into the rhythm and follow in the footsteps of the young man, who was smiling from ear to ear, excited like a child who debuts a new toy.

1, 2, 3; 1, 2, 3; The music played and played. Everyone was in time with the sonata. The men grabbed their respective partners by the waist to push them slightly off the ground, giving a showy jump that spread the ladies' long skirts like pinwheels. It was like a field of flowers in the middle of spring illuminated by the crystalline candlesticks on the ceiling that projected a warm orange light.

Soul Nexus. Volume 1: Before DawnWhere stories live. Discover now