Chapter 1: A Glimpse into Another Me

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Life had always been a colorless canvas for me – a mundane existence painted with the brushstrokes of hardship and monotony. The days blurred together in a symphony of struggles, leaving me uncertain about my ability to endure any more. But then, one day, the unexpected happened.

I awoke in a place entirely unfamiliar, surrounded by faces that mirrored my own, yet radiated an inexplicable joy. Same body, same surroundings, but an entirely different essence. The air crackled with positivity, and the atmosphere was thick with the sweet scent of happiness.

Confusion enveloped me like a mist as I navigated this alternate reality. Was this a dream, a delusion, or perhaps something more extraordinary? It soon became clear that I had stumbled into a parallel dimension of my own existence – a universe previously confined to the realm of wishful thinking.

In this new world, the burdens that weighed down my shoulders were replaced by a lightness I had never known. Laughter echoed through the air, and the sun seemed to shine brighter, casting its golden glow upon a life that, in contrast to my previous existence, brimmed with joy.

As I embarked on this unexpected journey through the parallel corridors of my own reality, questions danced in my mind. Why was this universe different? What cosmic quirk had granted me access to a life I had only dared to dream of? The mystery unraveled before me, revealing a tapestry of possibilities and a chance to explore the untapped potential of my own existence.

Little did I know that this glimpse into another me would set the stage for a narrative that transcended the boundaries of the ordinary – a tale of self-discovery, alternate realities, and the profound impact of choices on the fabric of our lives. Welcome to the uncharted territories of my parallel world, where the ordinary transforms into the extraordinary, and the journey to understanding oneself unfolds in ways unimaginable.

In this newfound reality, every step I took was accompanied by a sense of liberation. The weight of the past was replaced by the buoyancy of newfound possibilities. Relationships that had once been strained were now harmonious, and the once insurmountable challenges had morphed into opportunities for growth.

As I navigated the contours of this parallel existence, I couldn't help but marvel at the subtle differences that defined this alternate universe. Small choices, seemingly inconsequential in my original life, had rippled into profound outcomes here. Each person I encountered, each twist of fate, carried a unique resonance, composing a melody of experiences that diverged from the somber tune of my past.

Yet, amidst the kaleidoscope of differences, echoes of familiarity lingered. The essence of who I was remained, a constant thread woven through the tapestry of this alternate reality. It prompted introspection, forcing me to question the nature of destiny, free will, and the delicate balance between them.

As the days unfolded, I found myself at a crossroads – a convergence of two worlds, each beckoning me in its own way. Should I embrace the comfort of this newfound happiness, or was there a deeper purpose to unravel in the shadows of my previous life? The journey had just begun, and the choices I made would shape not only the narrative of my existence but also the destiny of the parallel self I had encountered.

And so, with a heart brimming with curiosity and the echoes of two worlds resonating within, I ventured forth into the unexplored chapters of my own dual reality, eager to uncover the secrets that lay hidden in the intersection of what was and what could be.


My name is Seraphina Blackwell, 22 years old this year, and I'm still a student in my final semester. Almost five years in college, solely pursuing a bachelor's degree – I don't even have the slightest interest in pursuing a master's degree or continuing my current studies. My life... it feels too chaotic. Maybe I shouldn't have existed in this world. Surviving? Bullshit. Even breathing feels challenging for me. I've never been optimistic about my life, always leaning towards pessimism, and only capable of blaming myself. If someone says they hate me or dislike me, well, I hate myself even more.

The questions constantly swirling in my mind, like parasites slowly sucking away my desire to live in this cruel world. Why am I alive? Why do I have this fate? Why can't I be like everyone else? What's my purpose? Why can't I achieve my dreams? Why am I so cowardly? Why am I so resigned... and so many other questions that always disturb my thoughts. I can't even remember when I had a peaceful thought, while others enjoy themselves and behave their age. Why can't I? Why do I feel like I'm forced by numerous situations, as if everyone wants to lean on me? So, who do I lean on? Myself, of course.

I have no idea when I started feeling this way. It seems like it's been there since I was a child, growing up in an environment with strict Asian parents. I'm the second child in a family of two siblings. I have an older sister named Isabella Blackwell, who is 11 years older than me. She's 33 now and works as a doctor at a local hospital. My parents adore her, truly adore her. She's the perfect child – beautiful, talkative, polite, feminine, and very sociable. The only flaw she shares with our mother is her difficulty in controlling her emotions. I even feel like she's a copy of our mother – both unable to rein in their emotions, always on the verge of exploding. The entire family loves my sister, and I'm just a shadow in her presence. Since childhood, my mother has always compared us, especially because we're so different. While she enjoys learning and having fun with her friends, I'm always busy playing games and lost in my thoughts. I prefer staying at home, while she loves hanging out and going for walks.

She always ranked in the top 10 during school, while I was content with being in the top 20. I guess learning is a talent, and I have none when it comes to studying. She has many friends, while I can count on one hand those close to me. I'm not even close to my own family. It's like we're polar opposites, completely different, and our faces don't resemble each other at all. People wouldn't even know we're siblings unless one of us mentions it, because we don't share any visible similarities. Sometimes, I even wonder if I'm adopted or not.

The 11-year age gap alone strengthens my argument that I might be an adopted or illegitimate child. This isn't an attempt at dark humor or anything of the sort. Back when my parents only had my sister, they didn't expect to have more children since she grew up as an only child for 11 years. Do you think my parents believed my mother could still get pregnant? Certainly not. Then, one day, my mother became pregnant without her knowledge. It wasn't until several months into the pregnancy that she realized it. When my mother was pregnant with me, her belly was as large as if she were expecting twins, even though I was the only one inside. Strangely, during the ultrasound, I was estimated to be a boy, and my father was overjoyed. Why wouldn't he be? He had always longed for a son, and he enthusiastically prepared to fulfill my mother's cravings. His efforts were extraordinary, but my sister didn't want a brother, for reasons unknown. She hated the idea of having a son so much that she once said if my mother gave birth to a boy, she would be the one to choose the name – the weirdest and worst name she could think of, expressing her deep resentment. She even told our parents to get rid of me if I were born a boy. My sister seems to have been crazy all along. On my birth in early 2002, I emerged as a chubby baby girl through a cesarean section due to my considerable size at the time. It seems like some strange fate or twist of destiny was at play during those moments.

What I thought only happened in TV dramas turned out to be a part of my life during my birth. It was during the delivery process when the doctors seemed to suspect that saving both lives – my mother's and mine – might not be possible. The doctor even called my father aside to convey this and seek his approval on whether to save his wife or the child, which was me. At that moment, my father agreed to prioritize saving my mother, choosing to accept the situation and conditions that seemed impossible. However, as I mentioned earlier, my destiny seemed to be too peculiar. Well, I was born healthy, and my mother survived too. I turned out to be the largest baby born at that time, weighing nearly 5kg. Can you imagine that? Hahahaha.


Hey everyone^^

I'm a newbie writer, and English isn't my mother tongue. I'm putting in a lot of effort to translate from my native language to English in a way that's understandable. I apologize if some sentences seem a bit off or don't flow smoothly. I welcome any advice and critiques from all you readers!

Your help means a lot to me! Greetings from me to all of you.

I  Hope You all have the best days and surround by a good luck:)



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