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"You are precisely the person I was waiting for"

The coffee in my hand almost spilled when Orion called out in his husky voice as I was entering the meeting room. Over the last few months that I have worked here, getting called by the head of the financial department was never a good thing, especially on a Monday morning.

"What an honour of you to visit me this early, miss me much?"

"Haha, funny. Looks like you still need to work on your jokes and also making sure the clients pay the bills on time"

Before I could ask if it was Mrs Patel, Orion handed me their pending bills and waltzed back to his office while saying "Get it done" louder than required. He does have a way of adding sparkle to Mondays.

I placed my coffee on the table, mentally adding to call Mrs Patel after the daily morning marketing team meeting. She was a sweet lady who opened a takeaway-only kitchen that served the best Indian food in the area from her home after her husband passed away. Her kids wanted to help out with the new business but she wanted to do everything on her own and with that, she forgets to pay the bills on time.

The rest of the day went quite smoothly and it was already evening and all I wanted to was go home, get on my PJs, and watch TV. As I was walking towards the elevators, I saw Orion in front of me. Damn, that man can melt an ice in peak winter. He looked straight out of a fantasy book with being over 6ft tall, a well-trimmed beard, brown wavy hair and hands in his pocket, a laptop bag on his shoulder, and a smug smile when he saw me. "I see that Mrs Patel has still not paid for her campaign."

And then it was my turn to give the smug smile. I pulled my phone from my pocket, opened Mrs Patel's recent message saying she had transferred the money half an hour ago showed it to Orion, and said "I see that Mr Wright is wrong once again." I laughed and entered the elevator. "Are you coming or not?" He huffed and stood at the back of the elevator. Our office was on the 20th floor, so it was quite a journey to reach the basement. Once we reached the basement, I saw him get into his swanky SUV and drive off. I climbed onto my Royal Enfield and exited the building into a beautiful early summer evening.

As long as I remember I have always enjoyed riding bikes, it gave me a sense of freedom and also looked quite cool. I reached my apartment by the time the sun has set. I had found this place, earlier this year. A beautiful old Victorian flat with huge windows in both living room & bedroom which gave me ample amount of light.

After a quick shower and dinner, I was scrolling through Instagram when I got a notification that made me sit upright.

Owright requested to follow you

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