Almost Drowning in a Giant Bathtub

Start from the beginning

"Back to my point. It makes me viscerally angry. I do not condone it. That's not to say it doesn't have it's place, or I don't understand the reason you've used it, the eidolons fine, the exorcism, fine, everything else, not cool."

"You use it with every opportunity you get, and it is a slippery slope. Think of Drew, you didn't like how she always got her way right? I get the appeal of calming people down, of stopping them, I know it's one of your staple abilities, but don't abuse it, just because it's an ability doesn't mean it's your only solution."

"I'll admit to doing it in the past, so again, no judgement. But nowhere near the level you can. I just need you to be aware how easily it can be abused, and keep that in mind in the future." "So now you're saying you don't trust me?"

Tears pricked her eyes. "Now you're saying you think I've been brainwashing my friends." "No Piper, I know you have, just in little ways. I would hardly call it far. Sometimes it just comes out, accidents happen, that's fine. But I have been manipulated by charmspeak a lot in my life, and I do not enjoy it."

"Please. Just try to be more cautious, because I don't want to see you go down that route. I respect you too much. I would much rather see Piper 'I'll punch you in the nose' McLean, than Piper 'Get's a Mercedes when she asks' McLean."

"It was a BMW. Now please leave." She said quietly, ending the terrible conversation where (Y/N) practically shot himself in the foot with an AK-47. Followed up by the hypocritical act of sulking about it to Annabeth.

All in all, as he said, not his proudest moment, but it did the trick, and made a strong enough connection for him to put his plan into action. He soon found himself stepping outside the bounds of his mortal vessel.

It was a trick he used a lot when he was younger, recently, he had found no reason to. The benefits of being in his own body outweighed the use of this ability. Still, it was difficult, the further away his soul got, the weaker it was, so shadow travelling it to his friends was risky.

Piper's POV

Piper needed a miracle not a bedtime story. But right then, standing in shock as black water poured in around her legs, she recalled the story of the flood. Not the Noah story, but the Cherokee version that her father used to tell her, with the dancing ghosts and the skeleton dog.

When she was little, she would cuddle next to her dad in his big recliner. She'd gaze out the windows at the Malibu coastline, and her dad would tell her the story he'd heard from Grandpa Tom back on the rez in Oklahoma.

"This man had a dog," her father always began. "You can't start a story that way!" Piper protested. "You have to say Once upon a time." Dad laughed. "But this is a Cherokee story. They are pretty straightforward. So, anyway, this man had a dog. Every day the man took his dog to the edge of the lake to get water, and the dog would bark furiously at the lake, like he was mad at it."

"Was he?" "Be patient, sweetheart. Finally the man got very annoyed with his dog for barking so much, and he scolded it. 'Bad dog! Stop barking at the water. It's only water!' To his surprise, the dog looked right at him and began to talk."

"Our dog can say Thank you," Piper volunteered. "And she can bark Out." "Sort of," her dad agreed. "But this dog spoke entire sentences. The dog said, 'One day soon, the storms will come. The waters will rise, and everyone will drown."

"You can save yourself and your family by building a raft, but first you will need to sacrifice me. You must throw me into the water.'" "That's terrible!" Piper said. "I would never drown my dog!" "The man probably said the same thing."

"He thought the dog was lying—I mean, once he got over the shock that his dog could talk. When he protested, the dog said, 'If you don't believe me, look at the scruff of my neck. I am already dead.'"

Heroes of Olympus Series. Annabeth Chase X Male Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now