Chapter Fifteen: Next Step

Start from the beginning

The lords came and looked at the documents one by one, and they all seemed shocked by it.

"I was unfaithful to my Adelaide when she gave herself to me in good faith and in doing so brought her intrigity into question. So my parents in their wisdom made sure that any child of mine from Lady Adelaide womb was legitimate so that if I had no living sons from Catherine, they would be next."

The men looked at their king but were relieved that they had an heir and several others by the looks of it.

"Then why Anne Boleyn, your grace."

This was now time to play an act for Henry, he then put on a confused face for them to see like he was pretending to think before shaking his head as if to clear his head making everyone present look at him in concern including the ambassadors who looked a little alarmed.

"I.....I.......uuummmmm, my head hurts my lords, I will retire and see you all at Hampton Court. Please make sure that my children are well taken care of."

He left the room with the lords talking with a slight smirk but he could hear them whispering that if they saw the confusionon Henry face and then Spanish mutter loud and angry enough for all to hear 'witchcraft' but they all looked alarmed at that and would keep an eye on Anne Boleyn going forward, Henry also found out that Addy was with another child, he was thrilled that he got her again.

Later that month, he had an assembly of men to start his plans.

"My lord and councillor, there is a great deal of work to do. In the past, those who held the reigns of government deceived me.
Many things were done without my knowledge or my approval, but such proceedings will stop in the future.
Your Grace will be appointed, president of the Council jointly with the Duke of Suffolk."

He said to Norfolk, who looked like he swallowed a butter lemon, almost making Henry smirk.

"We shall convine again very shortly, to discuss those matters which remain close to our hearts."

With that, Henry left the room with an almost satisfied smirk.
He later read this book from Anne in front of her, using it to encourage her before meeting the ambassadors of Spain and had a good long lashing for him before moving on but he could see the looks of concern from Chapuys.

A few days later, Henry had heard from sir Cromwell. He saw him trying to manipulate him, but he allowed it and might give him with what he needed so he could finally marry Addy once he removed Anne.
He had heard of Thomas Moore burning a man that was saved by Addy who came to visit, he had to force Thomas to leave Addy be and sent the man she saved out of the country, the man swore loyalty to Lady Adelaide from that day forward.
She informed Thomas that jesus would have preached tolerance, not murder before leaving for her home again, and would not return anytime soon due to her condition.
Henry made sure to keep Boleyns eyes to him and not to his Addy or their children when they started to get a little too interested.

Catherine was being visited by Ambassador Chapuys as she walked in the gardens, when he asked her not to lose hope.

"I had hoped he would return to reason, but he has not, I fear the use of witchcraft. "

"Madam, I pray you, don't give way."

"Something is wrong with him, I swear this Anne has done something to him. He keeps sending Adelaide away, and that is not normal."

"Lady Alden?"

"Yes, other than me, the King truly loves her. So, to send her away and ignore her for Anne, I feel she has put a spell on him. For me or Adelaide, I will never give way to Anne."

She looked at him with a smile, which he returned.
Chapuys walked away from Catherine with a lot on his mind, he saw the King of England kissing Anne Boleyn and could almost see obsession in his eyes making him think that maybe he was under a spell as even he heard of the kings love for Lady Adelaide but her respect for the Queen and refused him till recent years but that was with Catherine blessing from what had been said.
He saw Sir Thomas and walked over to him.

"Everything is for the Lady Anne now? Sorry Thomas, does this not remind you of a wedding feast? All they are missing is the priest and the rings to give away the nuptial blessing."

"Gods forbid that should happen, but it is none of my business."

Thomas looked agitated at the prospect.

"My new job as chancellor will be to do the utmost for the contend of christendom."

"Perhaps the king is more inclined to the reformers than you know."

"I do not think so."

Chapuys said to Thomas, which caused Thomas jaw to clench.

"I know him better than you excellency. His deepest instincts are traditional and faithful. He may threaten to break with Rome, but I do not think he will ever do so."

"I hope you are right. The consequences would be unthinkable. He has almost shunned two of the most beloved women in Europe. Let us hope he stops before making it worse."

They both looked out over the feast before going their separate ways.

Later that night Henry received reports from his spy telling him that a gentleman admitted to fucking Anne before she tried to woo him, he would use that later and the whispers of her being a witch were slow but there and would only grow.
He had received a letter from Addy stating that she had recieved a letter from Wolsey and that he has sent a letter for Catherine but she had no idea what but he was lucky he had already seen it.
He was given an edict a few days later that would have put a hitch in his plans, and now he knew for a fact that he would break from the church.
He was getting annoyed with Anne's voice, though. He only had to bear with it for a while longer but contrary to belief, he was a patient man in some things.

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