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You woke up early in the morning to get ready for your day out with Toru.
The day seemed little bit hot and you opted for something short to wear.

You didn't prepare any breakfast or lunch as you had planned to eat out

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You didn't prepare any breakfast or lunch as you had planned to eat out.
"Mom see you later!"
"You have fun!! Hope you both get little bit closer!"
"Mom for the last time-"
"I know! I just thought you could make a friend!"
"Geez! Fine! Bye"
You slowly walked towards the market.
You saw Toru waiting near a cafe. He was too excited to see you.
He ran towards you screaming " (y/n)-chan! Good morning!"
"Good morning. You are on time huh?"
"Of course! Now let's go have breakfast!"
You both sat and had the breakfast while Toru told stories from his childhood.
He seemed to have too many friends. You couldn't help but wonder how he is staying here without socialising much.
"(y/n)-chan! Where are we going?"
"It's a secret!"
"Come on! Tell me!"
You both walked to some cramped trail and reached to the view of a big sauna, which seems like decades old! Surprisingly it was crowded even though you both went early!
"Woah! This seems ancient! This is the reason you called me so early?"
"8:00 am is not early" you laughed.
"I am not a morning person (y/n)-chan" he pouted.
He stared at you as were laughing.
"Oh! You do laugh and stuff"
"Of course I do. You think I am some kinda emotionless person?"
He nodded yes.
"Enough of this! Let's go"
"Is there a common bath here?"
You stopped walking for second and looked at him in the most disappointed expression.
"Just kidding!" He said with an awkward laugh.
You both enjoyed your bath and spent time resting around till afternoon and came out to have lunch.
You were happy that you chose sauna, as you could avoid conversing much with him.
You enjoyed your bath and he did his!
You both came to an agreement to visit the restaurant near the rear end of the island. Surprisingly he knew about that! Seemed like he had done his research.
"You knew that restaurant?!"
"Yeah I had visited like few days ago"
"I really like the view from the restaurant"
"I know! It's so beautiful!"
You got little excited knowing that he thought the same thing as you did.
"(y/n)-chan let's stay till evening then"
You told him about all the best spots in your island and when to visit and stuff.
He listened to you sincerely and asked you to make a note of it for him.
For a while you forgot about everything and all the doubts about him and talked through your heart.
Even though the place was little far you felt like you reached there in minutes.
The exhaustion from all the walking and good bath made you both feel lazy as you sat down at the restaurant.
The restaurant was a small semi-open place with seating spilling on the beach.
The weather started to change suddenly.
It seemed like it will rain.
"Seems like we are not going to see the sunset"
"Such a disappointment"
"It's going to rain heavily! Let's try to get home soon!"
"How do you know?"
"The smell of the wind and also the rains in the island is worst!"
"Woah! Okay!"
You both had your food in peace.
Toru was silent all of a sudden making you feel little uncomfortable. You remember what happened yesterday and felt nervous.
You lifted your head up to look at him staring at you. More like he was totally checking you out.
He had finished his food while you were still having yours. As usual he rested his chin on his hand and looked at you with "those" eyes.
You looked around everywhere except him.
"(y/n) look at me"
"Here, look at me" he said in the low tone as he held your chin to turn your face towards him.
"What is it?" You tried to brush of his hand.
"Am I making you nervous?"
"Yes....didnt I tell you to not look at me like that?"
"Like what?"
"Like....now! Right now..."
"You are interesting......how am I looking at you?"
"Like....like you are-"
He leaned in towards and whispered
"Like I will eat you up?"
There was this awkward silence that creeped in while you tried to finish your lunch as soon as possible to get fuck out of there.
Just when you thought things couldn't get worse, it started raining.
"Seems like we have wait till it stops raining (y/n)-chan"
"No it will rain all day long. We have to run. No other choice."
"Let's see if the restaurant has an umbrella that we can borrow"
You both got up to get going. Unfortunately there was only one umbrella that he could get.
The thought of sharing umbrella with him gave you chills.
"You know what! I will make a run! You can use the umbrella" you told.
"No. We are sharing the umbrella I don't want you to get wet and fall sick and also umbrella is pretty big! We can definitely share it."
"No it's fine-"
As you were stepping back to get going he held your hand to make you stay.
"No we are sharing the umbrella and you are coming with me"
After all the arguments, you agreed to share the umbrella.
The umbrella was not big enough and while you walked your shoulder crashed each other every now and then.
You both decided to go to beach house as it was near by.
The sudden change in the atmosphere made you feel vulnerable. He was very close to you.
You tried to stay little away from him making your shoulder wet.
He noticed it quickly and grabbed your waist and pulled you closer.
"What are you doing?!"
"You are getting wet.."
"No it's fine-"
"The more you try to stay away from me, the more I feel like pulling you closer"
"Nothing...let's go?"
You were shocked to see his sudden change in attitude.
How much ever dumb you played it didn't work cause he saw right through you.
"You know....i feel lonely here. I left everything behind only for me feel lonely here.."
You couldn't tell anything.
"I had really good parents. I lost them because of some crazy pirates. They were the most down to earth people. My friends too loved them. When they passed away, I thought I could meet people like that here! You know because this where they were brought up and stuff."
"I am sorry to hear that"
"It's okay I guess. But you know, when I saw you sleeping in that beach house so vulnerable! Yet so lonely.....I felt sorry for you. Even though I was in same situation I couldn't help but approach you."
"You shouldn't have....this is how my life has been.... Until i met him...."
"What I mean to say is I don't want to see you like that....all alone....sleeping like that..."
"You don't need to worry about me. I know how to deal with my shit."
"See....yet you are so cold towards me..."
"Sorry but this is how I feel...."
Awkward silence creeped in.
"You know what? This is a bad idea. I will see you tomorrow. You go home and rest." you said as you started to run towards the beach house.
You ran as fast as you could.
You reached there in few minutes.
You stood near the entrance and tried to process everything.
He was right you are lonely. You miss katakuri.
For the first time ever you were really angry that you are stuck in this kind of situation.
Suddenly you felt like the rain stopped only to notice that Toru was holding the umbrella.
"Why are you here?"
"I don't want you to get wet"
"I am some random person! Why do you care?"
"You are not some random person. Let's go in! You will catch cold."
He dragged you in while holding your hand.
The anger in you increased but you couldn't take it out on him.
"Where is the towel?"
"I don't know"
"Will you stop being such a jerk and tell me where is the fucking towel?"
"Like I said I don't know"
He pushed you on to the wall leaning in on you, he said "I don't like when people become stubborn."
"I don't care." You said as you stared right into his soul.
He didn't budge. He had the same look in his eyes. As if he was ready to devour you.
His eyes traveled down from your eyes to lips, then neck and then to your chest.
"You looked so pretty sleeping here that day. You were crying in your sleep. I couldn't help but wipe your tears."
"What are you talking about? Does that mean you were-"
You snapped out of your anger and tried to push him back.
You were so tensed and got shivers down your throat.
He felt like a huge boulder that you couldn't move.
He leaned in closer and closer. You couldn't help but close your eyes in fear.
His hand slowly touched your neck and moved towards your cheek.
You didn't like it. You wanted him to stop.
"Please stop.....No..."
You suddenly heard a crashing sound.
You opened your eyes to see Toru on the ground.
The next moment you know you were falling down slowly losing your consciousness.
"What's happening? Katakuri-sama where are you....i don't want this....i hate you for leaving me alone...."

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