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I stood there for a while after katakuri-sama left. I am couldn't move. I hoped he was pulling a prank and will come back and surprise me.

If it was only that simple.

Selfish of me to think that he completely belongs to me. Of course he would return to his home. But......if only I could stop him. He would have stayed back I guess? Or not. I don't know what to do......he want me to wait for him, that means he will come back right?
Why does my chest feel tight. Why are these tears falling down my cheeks.
Somewhere in my heart I feel like it was our goodbye.
I won't get anything by standing here. Let me go back.
The walk back to your place seemed long.
You didn't speak with your mom and headed straight to bed.
Your mom saw your state and understood the situation.
The bed felt huge to sleep alone. All the time you had spent with katakuri flashed in front of you.
How much ever you consoled yourself you couldn't stop crying.
The night was long but you eventually slept.
The morning was even worse as you wished it was all a bad dream but unfortunately the reality was that katakuri was not with you.
You got ready and went to beach house.
Katakuri had made food for both of you yesterday.
The flowers on the dining table were still fresh.
His white shirt was left on the dining table chair. You took it into your arms. You could still smell his scent.
You wore his shirt and started to clean up the beach house hoping that katakuri might come back any moment.
You stayed a little longer which made your mom come look for you.
"It's late....lets go home..." your mom said as she looked at you sitting on the entrance stairs.
You got up slowly and followed her without speaking a word.
"He will come back.....don't worry..."
"From young age you have a tendency to get attached to something/someone....."
"I know....so stupid....just for losing it one day..."
"No....thats not stupid.....the stupid part is....you give up too soon....before even trying...."
You stopped walking.
"Am I wrong?" Your mom asked as she hugged you.
"Trust him and trust your feelings! And do what you can from your side, then if it doesn't work...."
"Should I give up?"
"No! Trying something else! There are infinite possibilities for everything....."
you nodded your head and started to walk towards your house with your mom.
You felt little better. You wanted to sit and think about what to do.
But every time you thought about big mom all you could think of was your island being exposed or her attacking it.
Your mom had made your favourite food to cheer you up.
That's when you realised that katakuri also has his family who will be waiting for him and will be worried about him.
You both were each other's safe place but, you had your own family and separate life.
You had your dinner and went straight to bed.
You had a dream.
Katakuri was with you! But not in the beach house. It seemed like a huge castle where colours popped and could smell sweets.
You both seemed happy and were dancing together twirling and laughing.
He showered you with kisses and you couldn't be more happy.
You suddenly woke up to your mom calling you for breakfast.
It was almost a month since katakuri had left.
But you still visit the beach house hoping he would come back any minute.
You daily routine is to go to beach house, cleaning it up, make breakfast for you and your boyfriend, arrange the flowers on the dining table like he did and wait for him.
Your mom coming and picking you up from beach house became a thing.
But the moment you stepped into your room, a sudden wave of loneliness hit you, both physically and mentally.
All you could think of was your man.
All the things he did while he was next to you.
You missed his touch and his warmth.
You touched yourself imagining that katakuri was the one touching you.
"Nights are hard for me...." You thought as you jumped on your bed.

Katakuri's POV

I walked as I felt my heart breaking into thousands of pieces.
All I could tell her was to wait for me.
I myself was not sure if I will even be alive by the time I reach wholecake island.
But I knew it somewhere that the situation was not so bad to see brûlée coming to pick me up and not my family attacking (y/n)'s island.
But I knew that mama knew about her and her island.
Hope she doesn't have an eye on her island.
Surprisingly we didn't directly go to the wholeacke chateau. Brûlée wanted to stop by at few places as she had few work.
Seemed suspicious but could see that it was legit. It actually gave me little bit of time to skulk in about the situation.
All I could think of was (y/n) crying.
She will probably be still waiting at the beach house for me.
The more I thought about her, the more I missed her.
Is this how you feel when you fall for someone? These odd feelings making me uncomfortable.
It's not even been a day but I feel like I have not seen her for days.
As the time passed I kept feeling worse.
I couldn't sleep and eat.
Brûlée is worried about me, but I couldn't lie to her saying I am alright. I am not able to talk to my sister properly! She is definitely blaming herself.
I also realised that she is giving me buffer time to make my mind up!
Brûlée told me that I shouldn't hurt her only friend.
Few days passed and we finally reached wholecake chateau.
I felt nervous. Like crazy nervous! I always had mixed feelings regarding mama but this was something else. All I could think about was what she might do to (y/n).
At that time I realised I wanted (y/n) to be mine so bad. I really love her! god! Even though I was in my home town and in between my loved ones I felt lonely.
I am standing in front of mama.
She seems oddly......

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