A place that I have never seen before

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(Chibiiiii katakuriiiii is so cuteeeeeee🥺 photo credits to owner!)

The birthday surprise made you little bit happy!
The fact that katakuri is safe to send you gift made you feel at ease.
You went to beach house on time to make sure you doesn't miss when katakuri visits again.
It's been couple of days since your birthday.
It was a very gloomy day which made you feel little bit lazy.
You came to the beach house as usual and bed looked tempting to take a nap.
You laid down and fell asleep quickly, you started dreaming. It was same dream where you and katakuri are having fun and dancing around in this strange yet beautiful room. A place you have never seen before. Tears started to fall looking at katakuri after long time. Even though it was a dream it felt very real. You didn't wanted to wake up, but you heard a voice "Excuse me!"
You woke up to see some guy standing in front of beach house.
You asked "What can I help you with?"
"Is this your place? Do you live here?"
"You don't seem to be from this island"
"Yes! I am new to this island!"
"How did you even get here?!"
You stood up quickly and adjusted your stance, as if you are ready to fight!
"Woah woah! Calm down! I intend no harm!"
"Who are you?! What are you doing here?"
"This island is my birthplace but my family left the place really long back. They both have passed away but they had left clues to get back here."
"Very suspicious.....but at the same time....seems legit..."
"Isn't it dangerous to live here alone?"
"No one gives a shit about me here! Better don't roam around here! You will be labelled outcast"
"Why is that?"
"Long story short I don't fit the islander criteria"
"If you want to get back to town you have to go to right from the forest path"
"Can't I chill with you here?"
"You are not getting the picture I guess?"
"I don't mind being outcast! I will have a friend! That's enough!"
"Pretty bold of you to assume I would be your friend!"
"Seems like you are not alone here?"
He pointed out to the dishes on the dining table.
"Are you married?" He asked.
"Let's atleast introduce ourselves first."
"Not married then!"
"Nothing" he chuckled.
"I am (y/n)"
"I am Toru. Nice to meet you!"
You both stood awkwardly over there. He didn't budge! As if he was waiting for you invite him in.
"So......do you drink tea?"
"Yes! I love tea!"
"Come on in"
He sat in the sit out on the same exact place were katakuri sat. You felt uneasy.
You brought the tea and some snacks with it.
"So tell me.....what's with all white clothing?"
"It's an island thing! Kinda like rules..."
"Do I need to follow it?"
"It's up to you I guess.....you have already chosen to be a outcast so yeah"
He started laughing. But you were dead serious.
He seemed like an easy going guy. He stared at you top to bottom making you feel uncomfortable and embarrassed.
"What is it?"
"Nothing.....you are so pretty but you say no one talks to you?"
"You are new.....you will know how things work here"
You completely tried to ignore the fact that he tried to flirt with you.
He got up suddenly and said "see you tomorrow (y/n)-chan! Hope we get along with each other!"
You felt strange. Talking to some new person and in between that you almost forgot about your messy situation.
You thought "he seemed like a young guy with careless personality".
It's been like a week and this new guy was roaming behind you like a puppy.
You don't talk much but he had too many stuff to tell!
The place, the seat, the plate, the food which were Katakuri's was being used or consumed by him.
Your mom was pretty sure that he had a thing! To which you thought it was bogus.
You came to beach house with fresh flowers in hand and puppy followed behind you.
You saw someone standing in front of beach house.
You were in shock.....
You dropped the flowers and started to run.
It was brûlée! You looked around everywhere expecting to see your boyfriend.
"Where is he?"
She nodded no.
"Who is this (y/n)-chan?" Toru asked.
Brûlée was shocked to see him.
"Who is this (y/n)?" Brûlée asked.
"Brûlée this the new Islander Toru and Toru this is my best friend Brûlée."
"Oh! Now I got it! It's yours and your best friend's hang out place! I thought you had a man or something!"
"She has a man. My brother."
"Oh I see. But.....he is not here right now! Just kidding!" Toru smiled.
Brûlée was kind of pissed which was seen on her face.
"Can we talk?"
You nodded and followed your friend.
"I will be waiting here till you come back (y/n)-chan!" He shouted.
Brûlée was silent for a pretty long time! You were tensed! Thinking all the worst possibilities!
"(y/n)......you better not be cheating on my brother...."
"Cheating?! What are you talking about?!"
"Who is that guy? Why is roaming with you?"
"I don't know! And I don't care!"
"You are really dumb or really smart!"
"You know he totally wants to fuck you right?"
"No! Why though?"
"Like I thought you are stupid category!"
"But he had never done anything that showed he wanted to get laid or something!"
"Really? Think about it!"
"I don't think so...."
"Yeah yeah....lets see..."
"Leave all this! I would never cheat on katakuri-sama! Please don't look down on my feelings!"
"I am sorry! That was pretty insensitive of me.
Actually....... Nii-san is getting married....i mean forced to..."
"Yeah.....nii-san told me not to tell you but....I couldn't hold back!"
"Can you please explain me what's happening?"
"Sorry let me rephrase it......."
(Brûlée told everything that has happened in a month)
You feelings was all over the place! You were confused if you were angry or sad.

(I will probably try to finish the story in next 5-10 parts. It's first time writing a story so spare with me and hope you are enjoying it!)

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