I want her to myself

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Katakuri's POV

(y/n) had stopped crying but I still held her close to my chest.
"Katakuri-sama I am fine! I am over exaggerating things that's it!"
"Let me just stay like this for a while (y/n)"
I wanted to tell her something to assure her that she was not alone! But all I could do for her was to hug her.
She tried to get out of grip and looked at me while I still held her. "I am hungry so what are we eating katakuri-sama?"
I know that she didn't want me to worry about her.
"How about I make something for you. You are always taking care of me, so today is my turn?" She nodded yes.
"I said yes only because I am little tired from fighting bad guys....and I want to eat something spicy" she said with little bit of embarrassment and a cute pout.
I couldn't help but smile at her.
I told her to rest for a while till I made something for her.

She went back to the futon and slept in minutes. She looked so peaceful while sleeping. I couldn't help but kiss her lips.

What is she to me? Am I just attracted to her? Or do I like her? Or maybe love her?
I don't know! But what I do know is that I want her! I want to be with her.....spend time with her! Listen to her talk and.....if I could just spend my days looking at her then that would be the best thing ever!
I have to get back to my island.....but I feel like she is getting attached to me..... I have my duties! Hope I could stay here forever! By her side!
I want to be selfish for once! But I know this has to come to an end one day.
Why do I feel this stinging pain in my chest?

"Katakuri-sama?" She called my name in her sleepy voice. Something I had never heard! It was like a melody to my ears!
"Is lunch ready? I am hungry" she said while rubbing her eyes.
So this is what she looks like when she wakes up. She seems so cuddly and cute.
I rested my chin on my hand and I just couldn't take my eyes off her and a slight grin formed on my face. She stared at me astonished and the next moment she broke the eye contact. She cover her flushed face with her dorsal side of the hand. I couldn't help but wanted to take a peek but she turned around.
She is feeling shy! I never thought I couldn't make someone feel shy.....all I did was scare people but that's not the case with her.

As these thoughts were running through my head she got up and went near kitchen and started to explore the vessels.
"Smells good!"
I got up from the futon and walked towards her "how about I serve you?"
She smiled at me and went and sat near the table like small kid waiting for their mom's cooking. She quickly eat and sat with a satisfied look. I couldn't help but stare at her in amusement.....she seems small but she eat so quickly!
"I don't always eat like this! I was really hungry today.....that's why!"
She totally read my mind!
She started to laugh. "You thought I read your mind right? No silly I could see it on your face!!"
We sat there in each other's silence for a while when (y/n) got up in the most laziest way possible and went back to sleep on futon.

She probably does this when she feels down? I have always seen her upright and lady like.....but this is different....has she let her guard down with me?!

I got up , went to her and sat right next to her. She had closed her eyes with one hand resting on her forehead and one hand resting on her stomach. One of her legs was arched and I could see her thighs clearly.
I couldn't take my eyes of them......I wanted to feel them....

My urge to touch her is increasing minute by minute

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My urge to touch her is increasing minute by minute.
She seems so forbidden but that's what making me want to touch her more!
Ahhh....the futon is going to smell like her. Her sweet aroma.....
As I had all these thoughts running I had dozed off right there.
By the time I had woken up I was in the futon and (y/n) was gone.
She had left a piece of paper saying she had prepared dinner for me with a little surprise. I was excited for dinner but was sad at the same time that when I open my eyes (y/n) is not laying next to me.
She had made donuts for me! I was very happy but I couldn't forget the sight of her sleeping so defencelessly earlier. It was driving me crazy.
The things I might do to her if she did the same thing again!
I could imagine my hands running all over her body. I want to see what kind of face she makes when I do that.
She looked glorious when she fought those assholes. Her saying they were her prey made me envious and amused at the same time.
It's been really long time since I felt this horny for a girl.
My dirty thoughts got the best of me and had one hell of a sleepless night but one thing was crystal clear! I badly want her to myself.

(Photo credits to owner)

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