I want the island to myself

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Katakuri's POV

I wish I could celebrate your birthday properly! I didn't have guts to face you. Hope you forgive me (y/n)!
I thought for days together regarding mama's proposal.
I want Livid Island that's for sure! But I don't want to get married.
I turned back and saw perospero ni-san.
"How are you doing?"
"It's been such a long time katakuri"
"I heard that you are asking mama for livid island perorin"
"You know about this huh?"
"Of course"
"Yes. I want livid island for myself"
"It's odd that you are being so stubborn about some random island perorin"
"It's not like that. Founders are the keepers? I guess"
"Really? Then it should belong to brûlée then! Just kidding!"
"If she really wants I don't mind giving it to her"
"But not to anyone of us?"
"I mean-"
"Just kidding! Perorin" he said with a craziest smirk on his face and asked "I heard that you have finally decided to get married perorin?"
"No! I am not getting married!"
"Really......no island for you then perorin!"
I stood there thinking what to do. He was right! No marriage then no island.
I have to answer mama soon.
Which didn't happen.
It's almost been a month since I left beach house.
Mama had took the matters into her hands and organised a tea party all of a sudden and I knew it was related to marriage.
I was too tired because of all the work yesterday and I over slept! And no one dares to enter my room while I am resting so I am really really late.
Hope mama's not pissed.
I saw few unknown people on the table with mama and oven.
Oven was pissed! I knew the moment our eyes met.
Everyone on the tea table had a shocked expression looking at me.
To break the awkwardness I said "sorry I am late"
But it didn't change the mood much.
I stood there thinking what to do.
When the unknown girl sitting on the table asked
"is this katakuri? Scary"
I was confused!
That's when I realised I have forgotten my scarf!
I was about to leave the room when-
"Katakuri come and sit here" mama said in low voice.
As I was about to walk towards the table, the girl muttered-
"I would rather marry his brother!"
I froze there thinking "did I just get rejected?"
The girl dragged her dad (probably, I guess) to the corner.
I kinda saw this coming. No one with their right mind would marry a monster like me.
Mama was pissed and so was oven.
"Katakuri because of you coming late, I am getting struck in this mess!" Oven said.
"Why are you even here then?!" I asked.
"Shut up both of you! This wedding should happen at any cost! I don't care who is going to marry that girl! Understood?"
Both of them came back after few minutes.
And the girl was too creeped out by my scars, so she rejected me.
The engagement was fixed with oven.
Of course he really didn't want to get married.
I thought good for me! I dodged a major bullet.
As I was walking back to my room brûlée called me saying mama wants to talk to us.
I was too tensed thinking what she might do!
"Yes mama"
"I won't give you the livid island"
"I figured!"
As I had lost all the hope brûlée pitched in
"Mama I was the one who found the island can't I take it under my control and of course I wouldn't do anything beyond your command."
Mama was not convinced with brûlée's offer! It was pretty evident.
"I will decide what to do regarding that! And katakuri hide you ugly face before stepping out. Gross!" Mama said.
We both came out and let out a huge sigh.

"Nii-san! For now we dodged one issue! And mama was in good mood surprisingly!"
"Yes. But the island is still in danger..."
"We will figure it out don't worry!"
"You are scared of mama but you still spoke up! Thank you brûlée."
"No no it's all thanks perospero nii-san! I heard you both talking the other day! And that's when I thought it was good idea!"
"Brûlée.....I want to see (y/n) as soon as possible!"
"I know..... just a little longer....till we figure out regarding the island"
We both smiled at each other and got back to our work.
After a really long time, I got chance to go to my island.
I thought I could get some good rest and have nice bath.
The castle which never felt empty in my entire life seemed ghosted all of a sudden.
I started missing (y/n). I miss her kiss. I miss her touch. I miss her smell!
She smelled so good the day I left the beach house.
I want to touch her so badly.
I am getting horny. Long distancing is difficult.
I should ask her come stay with me here.
She would never leave her island.....but a guy can dream?
I am not able to concentrate on anything because of you (y/n)!
If I had said this on her face she would have probably bust out laughing and would have teased me with a playful smirk.
Katakuri's POV ends
Katakuri's rest day pretty much became "Thinking about (y/n) day".
He couldn't close his eyes to rest because (y/n) popped in front of him every time he tried to!
Which ended up making him horny!

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