I will take care of him

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You came running back to your place to see him not laying on the futon anymore. You got worried where he went. At a distance near the beach you could see some people crowding up. You ran quickly to see what was the fuss about. Katakuri was partly conscious try to get off the island but eventually fell. No one was ready to help him out. You ran towards him to help him get back but he was a huge man! You tried to ask help from islanders "please help me take him to that beach house over there! He is seriously injured! He needs to be treated soon! Please someone!" People started to whisper but no one came forward! You tried to convince again but someone from the crowd said "He is a freaking pirate! That too son of big mom! Why would we help such person!" You were shocked and disappointed at the same time! You tried to drag him but you couldn't! You started to treat him there itself with your sloppy skills.
The crowd started to fade eventually when your mom came to speak to you. "(y/n) I won't help you with what you are doing because you know the reason. But yeah I permit you to treat him! But he is a dangerous-" you interrupted her saying "yes mom I know but like you have thought me from young age you should always help the injured-" your mom said in disappointment "you are not a doctor like me. Right?" You couldn't argue but you were kind of relived that you were not dragged back to your house. Your mom left some medical stuff to treat him which made you kinda happy.
His body was covered with bandages which didn't blind his hot body. His expression was struck in your head.

How came someone who had lost to someone and is injured so bad have such expression. Like a peaceful and relived expression. And why do I feel like I should help him heal. I know it's my friend's favour! But even it wasn't I would have taken care of him!!

Now that you were treating his wounds you could see that he was feeling the pain from his expression
You leaned in to take a closer look at his face, without knowing you started to touch his cheek gently and unconsciously your fingers landed on his lips and stitches on his cheek.

Oh shit!

You instantly took your hands of him. And ran towards your house.
After a while you convinced your mom to bring him inside your 'secret base' beach house. Even though 2 fully grown, healthy women tried to lift him it was very difficult but you guys managed to drag him to the beach house.

Kathakuri's POV
Someone's asking for help. Who is it? Are they trying to help me. I smell something good....kinda addictive. Who is this girl in white? I....

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