Don't go!

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You both walked in silence.
You could hear the forest clearly.
You turned towards katakuri, he looked at you and smiled.
"Can you guess where we are going katakuri-sama?"
"Probably a lake or a river? You made me pack my I am guessing"
"You are almost right but wrong at the same time!"
"No! Wrong answer!"
"Okay now I am really curious..."
"5 minutes walk and we will reach there!"
You lead the path as katakuri followed you holding the bag.

You arrived at a boulder filled high elevated spot where it was kind of hot.
"There is hot spring here?!"
"Yes! But no one uses this much as it's a small one!"
"There is a bigger one too?"
"Yeah!! And people use it on daily basis!"
"It has very good medicinal value and heals mentally and physically! That's why I wanted to bring you here."

Katakuri changed his clothes and wrapped a towel around his torso as you sat on the bank of the hot spring.
"Why aren't you changing?"
"I had no intention of getting in hot spring, I wanted you to take a dip!"
"I won't get changed!"
"I have not brought any towels...."
"We will share the get changed"
"Okay.......Turn around till I get into hot spring,okay?!"
Katakuri nodded yes and turned away from you. He asked
"Does water come till chest?"
"Yes it does...."
"People don't walk around here right? I don't want anyone to see you know naked...."
"Sometimes they do....."
"Okay I will keep an eye! You get into the hot spring first!" You nodded and removed your clothes.
You were completely naked. You realised this can go wrong in many ways.
You quickly folded the clothes and went into the hot spring.
"Shall I turn around? Can I get it?"
He turned around to look at you crossing your hands shyly and standing in the water with a blush on your face. You had tied up your hair into a messy bun and your eyes wandered everywhere except towards katakuri. You could make out that katakuri was staring at you.
"What is it katakuri-sama...." You asked as you looked up towards him slowly.
His eyes were locked on you.
"I have never seen you tie your hair like that! You look beautiful!"
"Thank you...."
In a second he was in the water right in front of you.
"How do you feel katakuri-sama? Isn't it amazing?"
"Yes! I am feeling so much relaxed! And the water is perfectly warm!"
"I agree! I always come here when I am feeling tired!"
"You come here alone?"
"Like alone....and like this...?"
"Yeah! I come to take bath! So yeah!"
"What if someone walk on you!?"
"I do this!" And showed him that you would get down so that the water could come till your neck.
"Has any men walked on you.....while taking bath here...?"
"No I's just my mom"
He started laughing, he looked cute with his fangs. You stared at him as he stopped laughing eventually.
"What was so funny katakuri-sama?!"
"I am sorry! I was worried if any guy saw you like this except me.....but when you said your mom....i just couldn't!"
"Except you?"
"Yes....i don't want anyone to see you looking so beautiful know...."

You didn't know what to tell! He was not trying to hide his feelings no more. Now that you thought about it he never really tried to hide his feelings in the first place and neither did you. You thought "if he likes me, why does he like me? And why do I like him? Oh yes! He is the only person you listened to me and my feelings.....and he is the kindest person....and he is handsome....and his hugs are best.....his eyes are beautiful too.....and his hair! There so much that I like about him!" You had a smile on your face as these thoughts ran around your head.

"Someone seems to be happy!"
You looked at him in a confused expression.
"You were smiling...."
"Ahh! Nothing....i guess....i am kind of happy that it's not only know taking bath here are here with me...."

As you were speaking, you and katakuri heard footsteps!
Katakuri quickly dragged you towards him and hugged you!
"Oh sorry! I didn't intend to peek! I heard voices so I came here" said the man passing by.
"No problem. But you shouldn't walk just because you heard someone talk" katakuri said with a deep scary voice.

He held you like that till the footstep fainted.
"Katakuri-sama.....he's okay...."
"Can I just hold you like this for a little longer?"
He held you tight! You could feel his skin all over yours! You felt so hot. Your bare chest touched him. His hands held your shoulder so tightly. He slowly started to move his hands down to your waist. He moved back from the hug and looked into your eyes. He had this lustful expression on his face. You were in love with that expression! You put your hands on his chest and slide it up towards his neck and bent him down for one more hug. You kissed his neck and said "Don't go!" He dragged you close to him. You could make out that he was happy. You pulled back to look at his face- his long lashes, deep crimson eyes, straight eyebrows, long nose and his fangs with lips never looked so good! You leaned in for a kiss. You placed a peck on his lips and held back to look at his face. He leaned forward and started kissing you passionately. You opened your mouth slightly to make way for his tongue. You locked your lips with his and slid your tongue a little. He moved his hand from your waist to hold your cheeks to get more grip for the kiss. You moved your tongue around his as he became little rough and explored your mouth. You both kissed passionately for minutes leaving you breathless. You had a tingling feeling in your mouth, your chest, your stomach and your lady parts. You never knew a kiss could make you feel things that you have never felt before. You both broke the kiss and looked at each other. You couldn't hold eye contact for long. You rested your head on his chest looking down. He knew you were feeling shy and held you with his huge arms as gentle as possible and made you feel safe and relaxed.
"Don't go katakuri-sama. Stay with this....because..."
"Yes go on"
"Don't you have anything to say to me!" You asked as you pouted your face.
"I have so many things to tell but I want to hear what you have to tell first" he said.
"It's so unfair!"
"I don't want to go....i want to stay with you (y/n)"
You looked at him instantly and jumped for one more kiss!

(Photo credits to owner)

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