(y/n) and Livid Island

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Before I start with scenario, the island and story is all fictional and doesn't belong to one piece main story. I wanted to give little texture to (y/n) character so I have given a back story.

The tension between you two vanished when katakuri accidentally touched the scratches on your shoulder to which you flinched.
He realised he was treating your wounds so he lifted you down from his lap and started to treat your wounds.
There was this pressure filled silence between you two.

Katakuri breaked the silence by asking "why white colour? Why do your island people wear white colour?"

"Oh right! Katakuri-sama, you don't know anything about our island right? Do you know the name of our island atleast?"
To which he nodded no.

"This Island is known as Livid Island."

"Livid in the sense....anger?"

"Yeah but also you know colour..... but anger fits better.
Hundreds and hundreds of years ago the island was used for the gathering of warriors.
These warriors gathered and fought each other. But at one point a literal war broke out between 2 islands. One island was known for strength where as the other island was known for curing."

"Curing in the sense....doctors?"

"Yes doctors. The war was so bad that every person who fought was at the verge of death! So people stopped fighting each other and started to treat each others wounds with the help of curing islanders. And all these people didn't return to their island and made this livid island as their new home."

"So that explains your strength"

"Yes.....every person in this island is a doctor and worrier! It's in their blood!"

"What do you mean in "their" blood?"

"Oh yeah.....by now you might I have figured out that I am the odd duck in this island. Like I said every person in this island has both the powers....powers to heal and powers to fight.....but I was only blessed with one....that is to fight and not cure"

Katakuri could see the sadness creep on your face.

"But (y/n) you did treat me and cured me? Right?! You are no different from others?! Right?!"

"No I literally took weeks to heal you where as my mom or any other person could have healed you in a day! I just tired to copy what my mom did on patients...... from very young age my parents figured out I lacked in curing people.....my dad stopped talking to me all together and didn't even treat me as his own.....but my mom was always by my side teaching me basics about medicine..... but at one point my dad banned me from learning anything about curing from my mom..... I lied my mom that I am not interested in learning medicine so she doesn't have to face my dad's wrath.....but deep down I wanted to be like everyone.....some people even called me monster because I only had the bad part in me..... but my mom never left my side.....she is the only person I have......"

"My sister trusted you! She knows you are a good doctor! That's why she asked you the favour! And I am glad that you are the one that treated me! Your kindness had more effect on me to which no power is match!"

"Thank you katakuri-sama. But it doesn't change the fact that I am not a doctor. So that's why I built this beach house to stay away from all that and be with myself......I heard that the warriors with fighting skills stayed at this part of the island hundreds of years ago so I felt like I could connect with my kind of people??? I don't know but I feel at ease here."

"Tell me about your family"

"My family..... it's me, my mom, dad and my younger brother"

"You have a younger brother?"

"Yes I do! But we were not meant to converse with each other so I have never spoken to him! He used to smile when he looked at me but I used to turn away because deep down I was jealous of him....but more than that! I wanted to be a proper big sister who can motivate him but that was impossible for someone like me! He had the best skills so he joined the navy"

"Do you miss him?"

"Of course I do! Even though I could only watch him from far....he was a part of my life! So I miss him! I want to write him a letter asking how he is doing but I don't know how to start the conversation!"

"How about you write about how much you miss him?"

"I have never spoken to him! It will be awkward if I say something like that. Besides I don't know how he feels about me!
Okay the story about island took a different turn! Silly me!! And yeah the reason why we all wear white is that when the war was over, the worriers and curers wore white to show the sign of peace so we are still following the same thing!!"

"I had never heard anything about this island! Strange!"

"It's a hidden island! People think it's a myth!"


"Yes a myth! So we all are pretty much non existent to the world!"

"So is it a secret?"

"No!! People who discover this island can come and visit but they don't / won't know the history!"

"You know I am a pirate right? You just said something that you should have never told anyone?"

"I don't care. This place has no place for me!"

You stood up as you said this and started to undress yourself and wore katakuri's shirt.
You turned towards him with this sad smile and asked "what do you want to eat?"

To which he asked "are you lonely?"

Without your knowledge tears starts to flow out of your (e/c) eyes. You were shocked to know how much you were hurt and lonely inside!

"I don't want to say I am lonely because my mom has always been with me and given me all the love! How can I possibly say I am lonely when I have a decent life and people who love around me?" You started to bawl your eyes out.

He ran towards you as soon as possible and hugged you tightly "Say what you feel! Tell me if you feel lonely! Tell me when you are sad! Tell me everything! I will listen to you!"

You pressed your face against his chest and cried loudly! No one ever said this! You were in shadows your entire life! Those words from him felt like heaven. You thought to yourself that even if you died in that moment you wouldn't regret anything!

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